Freak Du Chic

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Darling walked alongside Cerise in their way to the front gates of Ever Academy. It was actually very polarizing to see so many familiar faces in such a strange place. Especially since none of them knew her. She couldn't go and say hi to Daring because he wasn't Daring. She couldn't talk to Hunter because they never met. Raven wasn't close to the Raven she knew.

It was all just so weird. And now they were gonna go to some circus with you and somebody that looked like Apple but her name was Dawn. And she seemed to be very close to you. If Lizzie was here, or at least her Lizzie, this Dawn girl would've been missing a head.

She couldn't get over the chill that hung around this world. It felt like something inside of her was missing. She also couldn't quite shake the looks she was getting. Her hair stuck out, but she had heard whispers accusing her of "invading" the school with her looks. Seems like some things never changed regardless of what world she's in.

They finally reached the school gate where they found you and Dawn talking. Now that she got to see her up close, Darling could tell that she had some minor differences to Apple.

Dawn: Oh, are these your friends?

(Dawn Art Done By Necessary_Chaos)

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(Dawn Art Done By Necessary_Chaos)

Cerise: Nice to meet you. My name is...Ramona. Ramona Badwolf. This is Darla.

Darling: Hi.

Darling noticed how close she was to you, seemingly comfortable with your presence. Almost too comfortable. But after the way you just let down Crystal, she knew there wasn't anything to worry about.

Dawn: Say, you guys kind of look familiar.

Darling figured she had a lookalike here too, but she didn't say anything. She just kept quiet. You were quick to change the subject as well. You took lead, as you usually did, and began to walk to meet with this world's Hunter and Ashlynn.

You were always a leader. Even back when she first saw you willing to share Maddie's banishment. She saw that you cared deeply for the ones you loved and held them close. She never knew the real extent of it, but she figured it had something to do with the Fall of Oz. You didn't want to lose anyone else.

She didn't blame you, of course, but she wished you would let others help. You didn't need to take the weight of the world on your shoulders. This was your quest, sure, but you weren't alone in this.

You greeted Hunter and Ashlynn like they were old friends. It made Darling think about the time you spent here before, back when Oswalt took back his body. She didn't know how long you were really here for. You had memories of this world, this she knew, but it didn't make much sense to her. Magic was never her strong suit. Neither was this clothes she had to wear.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now