A Royal Mission

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You and your crew found yourselves standing in the throne room where Hana asked to meet with you all. It was now morning and the Empress, your mother's friend, was resting after the attack on her. There was still no sign of the assassin and now the entire city had came to a halt.

That meant you couldn't leave.

Hana spoke to a guard while you watched. You still couldn't quite believe what had happened last night. But, hopefully, you would be able to help somehow.

Hunter: This is really weird.

You looked back to your friend who was looking around the room. Even Cerise was seemingly suspicious of everything.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Darling: The Empress getting attacked the same day we arrive. And when she is with you nonetheless. It looks like whoever did this was trying to set us up.

You gave it some thought. It really was just the two of you in that room. And it was fairly obvious that you didn't have any weapons on you. The guards even saw you.

So what was the end goal here?

Hana: Sorry for the wait.

You all snapped back when Hana approached your group. She looked tired. She didn't get much sleep last night. You didn't blame her.

Farrah: How is the Empress?

Hana: Well. But, looking at the scene, it appears that the assassin may have been trying to frame you.

Everyone looked at you while you groaned.

Hunter: Any idea who did it?

Hana: Unfortunately, no one can find anything. Whoever did this is definitely a professional.

You took a step forward.

Y/N: We'll look into it as well. Any suggestions on where to start?

Hana thought about it for a moment.

Hana: Your best bet would be to see where the assassin attacked from. Maybe they left a clue that you can sniff out.

She quickly turned to Cerise.

Hana: No offense.

Cerise: None taken. We'll head that way soon.

Hana smiled slightly before a guard approached her and whispered into her ear. Hana sighed and turned back to you.

Hana: Sadly I cannot help you. The people are start to get worried and I need to see to them first.

You nodded.

Y/N: No worries. We got it from here.

Hana smiled and thanked you before following the guard. You turned to your crew who were already ready to get the investigation started.

Y/N: Alright. Let's go.

You looked at the capital city from your viewpoint. It was pretty large. Buildings as far as the eye can see. You turned back around and looked at the spot where you had seen the assassin the night before. Cerise was sniffing around while Farrah and Darling talked about using a memory spell.

Y/N: What's the status?

Cerise walked over to you.

Cerise: It smells like Blackberries.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now