Arabian Thieves

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You sketched another doodle in your journal frantically. You were trying to take your mind off of waiting of Cerise. You were giving her an hour, but she should've been back by now.

Darling was keeping watch with her spyglass while Hunter carved another wooden figure. Farrah was timing the spell that she had casted to make sure it wouldn't go away. She didn't know if it was noon when she casted it or after. Cause while it may not be noon here, it may be noon back in Ever After. And since she wasn't one to usually travel like this, she didn't know how her magic would be affected.

You looked up and checked your mirrorphone to see that it had been an hour. Cerise was still gone. You closed your journal and slipped it back into your bag before rising to your feet.

Y/N: It's been an hour.

Darling kept her attention on the fort, but she did answer.

Darling: I don't see any movement.

Farrah: That means she's either still sneaking around or....

Hunter: Captured. But, regardless of her situation, she's alive.

Y/N: And how do you know that?

Hunter lowered his wooden carving as you all looked at him.

Hunter: Ali Baba was a normal guy before his story. He might've taken over the thieves, but he's still just a normal guy. He won't kill her.

Well, that was good news, you hoped.

Hunter: But, that doesn't mean he won't hurt her.

There is was.

You thought of a plan before you groaned and started to take your belt off. Everyone watched as your sword dropped to the dirt and you shook your hands. You then walked over to Hunter.

Y/N: Punch me.

Hunter: What?

Hunter stood up while the girls looked at you like you had gone mad.

Y/N: Punch me. Across the face.

Hunter: Uh, no. Why?

Y/N: Ali Baba is just a normal dude, right? If that's true, then he would be willing to at least help another normal dude. And once I'm inside, I can try and help Cerise.

Darling: That's a horrible plan.

Y/N: Yeah, but at least I'll get to meet Ali Baba before I get thrown in some dungeon. And then you can use that time to make your move onto the fort.

Hunter shook his head.

Hunter: I'm not punching you.

You blew a raspberry before you looked at him.

Y/N: Hey, did I ever tell you about that time where I.....
You whistled as you made your way over to Brair's room with a box of cupcakes. You wanted to thank her for her helping Lizzie study for her chemspelltry test since you knew she wouldn't.

You had gotten a hext telling you to just set them on her bed since no one would be there. She was doing her math class and Ashlynn was supposed to be on a date with Hunter.

This was quickly proven to be wrong when you opened their door, only to find Ashlynn standing there in her undergarments. You saw it all.

She screamed, you screamed, you threw the cupcakes onto Brair's side of the room and ran out.

She was wearing pink that day.
Y/N: And I have to say, she has a nice pair of bres-OOF!

Hunter delivered a swift and hard punch across your cheek which knocked you to the ground which kicked up some dust. Darling gasped and Farrah covered her mouth while you groaned.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now