Ye Ol' School Days

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You sat on a very old medical bed as you watched your mother looked around for some medication to help calm your stomach. She was alive. She was moving. Breathing.

You had only seen pictures of her. She was killed by her fate when you were just a baby.

Wicked: So, do you have any nausea or headaches? Maybe some congestion issues?

You just shook your head. She went back to looking through the cabinets. She finally found something and poured some into a small plastic cup. She then handed it to you. You hesitated to take it.

Wicked: It's not poisoned. I promise.

You just gave a quick smile before you took the medicine and downed it. It tasted utterly disgusting, but you kept it to yourself.

Wicked: Sorry that the nurse isn't in. She seems to always be gone. But, I guess that's also why I know how to help.

Y/N: Y-

You coughed and cleared your throat.

Y/N: Yeah. Thank you. I, uh, appreciate it.

Wicked just smiled sweetly.

Wicked: Of course.

She pulled a chair over and took a seat while you rolled your head to crack your neck. You were still hurting a bit from the whole whirlpool thing.

Wicked: So, you and your friends are new, right? Are you maybe transferring from Monster High?

You looked at her oddly. You then thought about it. It would be best to keep your true identity hidden for now. Besides, it would definitely lead to a conversation that you weren't ready for.

Y/N: Uh, yeah. My name is Y/N. My friends just call me Ozzie, though.

Wicked: Ozzie? Oh, we have a boy that goes here named Oz. We call him Ozzy. Isn't that weird?

You forced a chuckled alongside her laugh. So, your dad was around here to. Hopefully you didn't look like him too much. That would be another conversation you weren't sure how to handle.

Wicked: And your friends?

Y/N: Uh, the other boy is Hunter, the girl in red is Cerise, the one with wings is Farrah, and the girl in the armor is Darling. All from, uh, Monster High too.

Wicked: Oh, wow. Five students in one day is pretty interesting. Did you all get your schedules?

You nervously nodded. Surely your classes from your time where here now, right?

Wicked: Well, you should rest for a while. I'm sure the teachers will understand.

Y/N: Like, uh, Baba Yaga?

Wicked thought about it before making a face. You both looked at each other, oddly sharing the same unspoken joke about the old woman. You both then laughed.

Wicked: She is....peculiar.

Y/N: So I've, uh, heard. But, I'm good now.

You hopped off the bed and stretched your arm, grabbing your belt with your sword still on it and starting to pull it back on.

Wicked: Oh, weapons aren't allowed in class. You'll need to drop it off at your locker.

You stared at her for a second before looking at your belt. You then sighed.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now