A Royal Reveal

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Hunter stared at his mirror phone as he debated whether or not to call Ashlynn back at such an hour. If it was night here, it would be the middle of the night at Ever After. Besides, he needed to keep his head in the game. Your crew were about to head to the palace to reveal the true culprit of the assassination.

He finally decided to call back in the morning and slipped his phone back into his pocket and grabbed his ax. He slipped it into his belt loop just as he heard a creak overhead. He looked up the steps to find you looking at him.

Hunter: It's time?

You nodded.

Y/N: Yeah. You ready?

Hunter grinned.

Hunter: Are you?

You lead your friends through the palace and toward the Empress' room where you knew you would find Huang and Hana. It was also where the assassin was.

Cerise: I seriously hope we're right about this.

Farrah: All the clues point to it. Besides, we know for sure that this is connected to New Oz.

Darling: No matter which way you see it, the assassin is here.

Hunter: And we were played from.the very start.

You clenched your fists as you reached the Empress' quarters. The guards there blocked your way with their weapons which made you all stop in your tracks.

Guard: State your business.

Your crew all looked your way.

Y/N: Hana and Huang in there?

Guard: They are.

Y/N: Good. Now out of my way.

The guard narrowed his eyes at you as the other prepared his weapon for a fight. You just grabbed the hilt of your blade with a sigh.

Y/N: The hard way it is.

Hana and Huang sat at the bedside of their mother when they heard the clashing of weapons outside of the room. They both rose to their feet as the doors swung open, revealing you and your friends holding your weapons and unconscious guards behind you.

More would come, but they wouldn't have their chance.

Hana: Y/N? What are you doing?

Y/N: I could as you the same thing.

Hunter and Cerise closed the doors while Farrah placed a spell on it to keep it locked close. You all put your weapons away and you turned to the siblings.

Y/N: Sit down. We aren't here to hurt you.

Hana sighed and sat down while Huang stayed standing. You looked at Mulan who was still asleep in bed. But, you knew better.

Y/N: You can stop pretending now. We figured it out.

The older woman didn't react at first, but she did eventually open her eyes. She looked at you and smiled.

Mulan: So you do have your mother's smarts. Consider me impressed.

Darling: And consider us disappointed.

Hunter: And annoyed. We spent all day running around looking for whoever attacked you when we could've been sailing to look for the next Treasure.

You crossed your arms.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now