Winter Treasure

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Oswalt looked at the clockwork hand that moved at his command. It felt odd, like it wasn't even there, and yet he could feel it when he moved. The gear work was miraculous and the craftsmanship was flawless. He couldn't help but be impressed.

Alistair: I can make adjustments if you need any. It's still a prototype, but I am in the process of crafting a shell to cover it.

Oswalt formed a fist before he tried to use his magic. No luck. So, he was limited to one arm now. That would be more of an annoyance than anything.

Oswalt: You created this?

Alistair nodded and presented his journal.

Alistair: I had begun studying the art of clockwork before chapter break. Really, it's just a really complex puzzle.

As they talked, Ruby and Kitty stayed back. Bunny had went off to find her father to give Alistair the time to explain everything to Oswalt. It was odd watching them. Almost like Oswalt respected Alistair.

Kitty: I'm surpised.

Ruby: Why?

Kitty: Well, Os is letting Alistair do all of this. It seems like he managed to set aside his ego.

Ruby understood what she meant. Oswalt seemed like someone who would rather try and find a way to fix his own problems rather than allow a stranger to do so. But here he was.

Oswalt began to flex the arm a bit to test it's limits. Alistair rubbed the back of his neck before looking at Oswalt's eye. It was also fake.

Alistair: Hey, why not go ask the man who made that to help you?

Oswalt gently touched the fake eye. He knew it was Pinocchio who crafted it, but he had no real desire to go back to Ever After since his siege. Besides, he would probably be arrested. And he no longer had the allies he once did.

Oswalt: Don't get your hopes up. I'm not exactly the most popular person in Ever After.

Alistair shrugged.

Alistair: Neither am I. But, it's worth a shot, right?

Oswalt thought about it. Was it?


Crystal hummed a song as the sled was pulled by a mighty elk. You were happy to not have to be walking. Even more happy to not be freezing. The snow had stopped so it was much more bearable. Honestly, you liked this way more.

Hunter: So, the entrance to the vault is the hole that opened when your dad almost fall in?

Crystal: Yeah. Turns out, the snow had buried it over centuries.

Then it must've been after Narnia became Ever After. Hundreds upon hundreds of years worth of snow just piling up. You could see how that would cause some issues.

Cerise: So do we just....jump in?

Darling: I'm sure we can climb down somehow. There has to be a way. Besides, shouldn't we be more worried about the Guardian? Do we even have anything that we could use against it if it's some kind of ice creature?

You honestly didn't even know.

You reached the hills from the story and the Elk came to a stop. You all looked ahead to see the hole had now become more like an icy cave heading straight down. You all hopped out of the sled and started to get your equipment in check.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now