True Potential

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You and Cerise walked through the forest you had come to call home. The place you were supposes to spend your summer. In another life, you would have been spending your time here with the family you've come to call your own. You would've visited Lizzie and your friends. But that wasn't the reality of the situation.

You and Cerise reached a clearing and spotted the house in the distance. The Wolf residence. You would sleep here tonight and head to Ever After the next morning. You just wanted to see some folks before you went to the battle.

Cerise walked in first, immediately getting the attention of her mother and father. They heard the door open and looked over, only to be surpised when they saw you both enter. Red immediately ran over and hugged her daughter. Badwolf, rather than just standing there, walked over and pulled you into an embrace. Ramona emerged from upstairs to see what the commotion was about, but stopped when she saw you both. She smiled, relieved that you were both safe after all.

After a good shower and some fresh clothes, you found yourself sitting on the couch with the Wolf family. Red was rebraiding her daughter's hair while you told them everything you went through. The adventures and the struggles and the triumphs. There were a few moments you would catch Red holding her breath. She was truly worried for you both.

You actually felt bad. You would've preferred to spend the summer with them, especially after everything they've done for you, but you were here now. And once everything has settled down, you'll be able to relax with them.

You took a breath as night fell over Ever After. Tomorrow morning, war began.

You yawned as you made your way back to your room. Yes, your room. You had a place in this house. It felt nice, actually.

Ramona: Can't sleep?

You stopped and looked across the hall where Ramona was standing. It was still weird seeing her without her usual attire and earrings, but at least she was comfortable enough to be comfortable. She was holding a glass of water and looked tired. The anxiety of the coming invasion was probably making it hard to actually get some sleep.

Y/N: Just needed to use the bathroom. Kinda nice to have a legitimate one again.

She definitely didn't want to know how that worked on the ship.

Ramona: You guys are leaving again tomorrow, right? Heading straight to Ever After High?

You nodded. You would use the Wishing Well to get there.

Ramona: And you'll keep the pup safe?

You smiled.

Y/N: Obviously. But, Cerise can hold her own.

Ramona crossed her arms. Crazy to think that Cerise wasn't just some whiny pup anymore. But, she saw the confidence she grew. The way she carried herself was totally different.

Ramona: You really think you can help stop this whole thing?

You heard the worry in her voice. Of course she would be. If Tina succeeded, it could spell the end of all of Ever After. It wasn't just you or your friends, it was countless lives on the line. Innocent people. This was another Fall waiting to happen, and you could not allow it.

Y/N: I'll definitely do everything I can, but I don't know how it'll turn out.

Ramona sighed.

Ramona: Of course not. Sorry. You should get some rest.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now