Arabia Nights

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The air was hot and dry. The sands shifted with the winds as two large men pulled along their prisoner. They entered the hidden hideaway that they called home and escorted you down the halls and through the corridors. You couldn't see a thing, thanks to the bag over your head.

Finally, you reached a room that smelt of gold and food. You could hear music as well. Music that was foreign to you. You could make out mere silhouettes of dancers moving along to the music. You could also hear laughter. This all came to a screeching halt when the man in charge noticed you and waved his hand to silence everyone.

The guards kicked the back of your knees, making you drop to the ground. Then they took the bag off of your head, revealing your still sore and brushed face. You looked around the king's chambers for a moment before looking at the king himself.

Ali Baba: Identify yourself.

You smiled charmingly while you lifted your bound hands.

Y/N: Y/N Ozmandias, at your service.

The king stared you down while you remained unfazed.

Ali Baba: You are a brave one to come this far. What brings you to my feet?

You looked past him and spotted the rolled up paper that you had been looking for.

Y/N: That, actually.

Ali Baba looked back.

Y/N: The map to the Cave of Wonders. I kinda need it for my quest. Figured asking you was the best option.

Ali Baba then begannto laugh. He descended the steps to his throne before stopping in front of you. He hasn't seen an Ozzian in ages. But this wasn't why he was amused.

Ali Baba: Funny. Cause we just caught a thief who was after the same thing.

He snapped his fingers and two guards rushed over to a nearby wooden tub filled with water. You watched as they grabbed a stick and lifted someone from it.


She was soaked and bruised. Probably worse than you. She slowly lifted her head and looked at you through her bands.

Ali Baba: Care to hexplain to me, boy?

You turned back to the king. Your charming smile was gone now. Instead, it was replaced with anger. 100 thieves, all stronger than you, were surrounding you. Cerise was in no shape to fight. You had no weapons.

50 Hours Earlier.....

You all laid on the deck and stared up at the stars. The sea was quiet and the air was warm.

Hunter: This is nice.

Y/N: Yeah.

You then looked to Farrah.

Y/N: So how long until you can cast that wind spell again?

Farrah: 12 hours.

You all groaned.

Ruby took a deep breath and slowly let it out. She then nodded, and the music began. She then took a step forward.

She danced, moved, turned, leaped. But as she did, she thought to herself.

She thought about you first. How would she describe you? Her older brother who pretty much raised her after the Fall of Oz?

You were kind. That was the first thing to come to mind. You were often kind and caring for others, even when you pretended otherwise. But it wasn't just that. You were brave. Sometimes stupidly. You made her worry on more than a few occasions.

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