Chapter 39

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"Aaand done! Look, Helen!"

Cici holds her paper up in Helen's direction. Helen eyes the paper expressionless before responding, "nice job." in a curt manner. Cici was completely oblivious of Helen's blank personality, but accepted his response as a compliment nonetheless. I've been doing nothing too interesting in here. Liu left right after I shut him out and all I've been doing since then is hang out with Cici and Helen. I can't help but feel a bit bad. I regret how cold I acted towards Liu. It was just in the heat of the moment with all the thoughts dropping onto me at once, you know? I mean, how am I supposed to act after I found out about all of these horrible things?! It shouldn't come as a surprise to me, yet it does. One can even say I'm oblivious as can be at this point. "(Y/n)? You haven't eaten anything yet," The sound of Helen's emotionless voice pulls me right out of my thoughts, making me snap my head towards his direction. "You should eat something." He finished, bending down to grab a container from the usual white, plastic bags he brings. As if right on cue, my stomach audibly rumbles, recreating the sound of a dying whale. Cici snickers, placing her tiny hand over her mouth to stifle her giggles. My cheeks flare up a bit in embarrassment. Why do stomachs have to be so loud in silent places? "Yeah, now that you mention it..." I smile sheepishly as Helen is already in the process of opening a container. He places the container of my lap along with the plastic fork. To my surprise, I am greeted with a container full of ramen. A half of an egg was on top of the noodles, along with a few pieces of meat. Reminds me of how much I was craving for something like this. I start chomping down, practically forgetting to thank Helen. "Slow down, now. Masky would cut off my pay if he found out you got a stomach ache, or something." Helen states. I slurp the one noodle that was stuck in between my lips up before chewing. Swallowing the food, I frown.

It makes me feel bad that Helen is probably here against his will. He's being paid by Masky, of course, he doesn't give two shits about me unless he's paid. It's his job to watch over me. If he wasn't being paid, he would be probably gone by now. I mean, it's not like I should care about Helen, anyway. But I will admit that I enjoy his company a lot more than I should. Even though he seems so cold, empty and dull, it's still nice to have him around. "Is it good?" Cici asks curiously, eyeing the insides of the container. I quickly replace my frown with a smile for her sake and nod. "Want to try?" I offer. Just as she's hesitating, Helen is already passing me an extra fork. With slight hesitation, she nods with an unsure smile. I hand her the extra fork Helen handed me before she stabs into the container with not too much force. She stabs through a piece of meat and rolls her fork around to get some noodles onto it before sticking it in her mouth. She chews for a bit and her expression seems unreadable for a couple of seconds. Before I even knew it, her eyes lit up in bliss. "Mm! Thish ish rweally good!" She speaks with her cheeks stuffed full of food before she swallows and goes in for another bite. Just before she digs in again, she stops herself right before her fork touches the food. She shyly looks up at me and retracts her fork back. "Um... sorry. I know I should ask first, so, um..." Her cheeks become a soft, rosy color as she fiddles with the handle of her plastic fork. I lightly laugh, nodding my head at the container. "Feel free to eat with me." I smile. Her lips twist up into a smile before she shuffles closer and starts digging into the container as well. Sharing is caring, am I right?


Turns out that I was already full after eating half the container. Since I didn't want to leave any leftovers, I offered Cici to eat the rest, which she gladly accepted. She ate every single thing inside the container, to my surprise. For such a little girl, she sure eats like a horse. Cici decided to hang around in my room a bit more, since she had nothing to do all day. But staying in my room all day wasn't such a fun option, mainly because Cici got bored rather quickly. So, she had a nice suggestion for a change. "Want to go to the café in the back?" She suddenly questions out of the blue, which caught me off-guard. "Café?" I repeat questioningly. I glance over to Helen who simply shrugs in silence. Cici nods excitedly as she climbs off the bed. "In the back, like, if you walk all the way down the hall and take a right, there's some sort of café where visitors of patients can go get food n' stuff. And the best part is that people who are staying in the hospital get free food if you go there!" Cici bounces on her feet excitedly. So, they give the patients terrible food, but probably have some edible things down in the café? That's definitely logical. But hey, who cares at this point? Free food! "Alright, let's go." I swing my legs out of the bed, making Cici cheer along with some hand claps. "Wanna come?" I glance over my shoulder to look at Helen who shakes his head. "You two go on ahead. I'll wait here." He states. I nod as I suddenly feel Cici grab my hand and tug me with her. "Come on, come on! Let's go!" She tugs my hand towards the door as I grin and follow her steps. "See you in a bit, Helen!" I call out just before I leave my room. At first, I struggle a bit to keep up with the excited little girl. The back of my knees were stinging just a bit, probably because of the pressure I have been putting on them just by standing. But nothing too bad, thank goodness.

You'll learn to love me. (Yandere! Masky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now