{Christmas Special}

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A soft spoken voice rang softly into my ear as I felt someone's cold nose being buried into the crook of my neck. I shiver a bit, ducking down further into the warmth of the covers. A pair of lips shortly connect to the back of my neck before I feel a hand ruffling the top of my head, most likely making my hair even more of a mess than it already is. I grumble a bit before turning face to face with my partner. The well known cold hearted killer that I've been stuck with for a year now flashed me a kind, loving smile. A smile that greeted me pretty much every morning that I've woken up next to him. He caresses my face, rubbing his thumb across my cheek before placing a kiss onto the tip of my nose. "Merry Christmas, sunshine." he speaks up softly. His eyes were sparkling with delight as he stared deep into my own. Christmas...? Christmas... It's Christmas! "Ah...?" I rub my tired eyes, sitting up right in my spot. Masky smiles, letting out a faint chuckle as he supports himself by propping an elbow onto his pillow. "Take a look outside, will ya?" Masky suggests. I blink out of sheer confusion before swinging my feet off the bed, brushing the warm covers off of my body. Slipping on my comfortable slippers, I drag myself over to the window and peek outside. The once dirty and musky brown dirt was completely replaced by such pure white, fluffy looking snow. Fresh, crisp snow was caked onto the naked tree's and onto the ground, making the forest we live in seem less eerie. "Snow..." I utter out softly. And from the looks of it, the snow wasn't going to stop piling onto each other. Tiny snowflakes were still gently falling from the dim clouds up above. I can't help but have a warm feeling wash over me. Watching the snow fall down slowly had me mesmerized, bringing me back to the good ol' days. Uh... were there even any good ol' days? It's been so long, I can barely remember, actually.

"Stunning, isn't it?" A pair of strong arms wrap themselves around my waist as a chin is placed upon one of my shoulders. "Snow is beautiful in so many ways. It reminds me of purity, innocence..." he trails off slowly. I feel one of his hands lightly grip the bottom of my chin, moving my head to the side. "All those things remind me of you." he purrs. Masky leans in, making his lips brush over mine ever so slightly before I quickly retract my head in reflex. "Yeah," I simply reply, moving myself away from the window. "It truly is beautiful." I agree with his statement before clearing my throat and heading over to the bed. "Why don't you head downstairs?" I question as I grab an end of the bed sheets in my hand. "I'll make the bed this time." I forcibly smile as I start prepping the bed as neat as it used to be. Masky stares at me for a few seconds before letting out an almost inaudible sigh. "Sure, princess," he walks over to me and presses his lips against my temple for a few seconds, "I'll meet'cha downstairs." he states before simply walking out of the room without any other word. I unconsciously let out a sigh of relief, running a hand through my messy, tangled hair. No matter how many days, how many weeks, how many months... I don't think I can ever get fully used to being stuck with a murderer.

After finishing making the bed, I make my way downstairs as promised. Not too surprisingly, Masky had already set the table with breakfast being ready to eat. Scrambled eggs with some bacon strips to go along with it. Simple and delicious, but not... Christmas related. Oh well, not like Christmas would matter to someone like him. I sit down at the table with Masky sitting on the opposite side. I grab my fork and start poking at the scrambled eggs before stuffing some in my mouth. Masky and I ate quietly for around two minutes before he decided to speak up. "So, I was thinking," he started as I was still stuffing my face with breakfast. I glanced over to him as a response, slightly cocking my head to the side questioningly as I chewed my food. Masky smiled, playing a bit with the food that laid on his plate, using his fork to flip his scrambled eggs back and forth. "Since it's Christmas, how about you and I do something together? I already have some plans in mind." He stated. I swallow my food before giving him a silent, confused looking stare. "Plans?" I echo, furrowing my eyebrows lightly. Masky chuckles slightly, nodding his head. "Yes, plans. How about you and I go out and pick out a pine tree? We'll buy decorations for it and some other things. You know, to make this place look a bit more..." he paused for a second, "Christmassy." he finishes. I can't help but stifle a laugh at the way he described it. Christmassy, he says. Well, yeah, he has a point. Our place is not in the Christmas spirit at all. There's no warm Christmas vibe you'd usually get from a Christmas morning. Just a cold, ordinary looking cabin in the middle of the forest. I scrape the last few bits of food off the plate and into my mouth as I look away from him, thinking mostly to myself. I mean, how bad could it be? "Okay, sure. When?" I question. "After breakfast." he states cheerfully along with a smile. Ah, this should be fun...

You'll learn to love me. (Yandere! Masky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now