Chapter 11

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I didn't tell Emma what had happened. In fact, I didn't tell anyone. I did just as I was told, just to spare me a few more days of life. Apparently Emma came to apartment because she was worried about me, since I didn't reply to any of her messages or calls. It's nice knowing somebody cares. She stayed by my side for a couple more hours before she finally left to go back to her home. She even locked the door for me, just so I wouldn't have to get out of bed. How sweet. For the rest of the night, I couldn't sleep. No matter how much I tried, I just couldn't. From being so sleep deprived, I wasn't even certain about what had happened a few hours ago was a dream or not. I tried to convince myself it was. But deep down, I know it's all reality. I still can't believe it. It can't be Tim. That wasn't him. I didn't want to believe it, but part of me told me that the person who has been hiding behind the mask for Lord knows how long, is definitely Tim. But should I even believe it? For all I know, Tim might have gotten his phone stolen. A sudden buzz from my nightstand almost made me jump out of my skin. My phone? My phone was vibrating. It kept buzzing non stop. Which only meant that someone was calling me. Cautiously, I grab my phone into my hands. Upon seeing who was calling me, I felt my heart drop. Tim was calling me. Should I pick up? Who would be at the other side of the line? Would it be really Tim or the masked murderer? It could be two in one. I'm not taking any chances.

I place my phone back onto my lap and watch as my phone keeps on vibrating. After two or three more rings, it stopped. I subconsciously release a breath of relief. I don't know what to think anymore. My phone suddenly receives a message, causing another vibration to erupt from it. I look down to my screen, eyeing the notification that had just popped up.

'Are you okay?'

Why would he be asking me that? Am I really supposed to be okay when I don't even know if my boyfriend is a killer or not? I wasn't even thinking about responding to him. But another message rolled in.

'Please answer me.'

This felt like some sort of déjà vu. When did I get messages one after another? Oh, right. With Nathan. Should I even answer? Will he kill me if I don't? I won't be surprised if he suddenly turns on me and slaughters me. I might as well stay on the low. Just pretend you don't know anything. Besides, I'm not even a 100% sure if who I saw was actually Tim or not. I grab my phone and sigh, shakily tapping my fingers on the screen.

'I'm okay. Why do you ask?'

A second later, a message popped up.

'I was worried. You'd usually still be awake at this hour, but you weren't answering my call. I'm sorry, were you asleep?'

Even through the messages, he still seemed like his usual sweet self. What if it was all an act? Hell, guess I have to keep up my act too, then.

'Yeah. Sorry for worrying you, Tim.♡'

It doesn't feel the same. Not anymore.

'No need to apologize, I'm the one who woke you up, after all.'

'Anyways, I can swing by your place later, if you're still up to it.'


No, no, no.

I don't want him to come here. I don't want to be near him. I felt myself build up with anxiety as I kept re-reading his message. Should I tell him something came up? What if he'll kill me for this? I feel like if I deny what he wants, he won't hesitate on killing me. Guess I have no other choice.

'Sure, I look forward to it. Is 5:30 PM a good time for you?'

A minute passed, and another message popped up.

You'll learn to love me. (Yandere! Masky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now