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Keigo grabs (Y/n) and throws her behind his body. "I said get out of here!"
"I wanna help fight! I can-"
"No! Get out of here! He'll kill you."
Tears stream down the girl's cheeks quickly.
"I won't leave you! I won't let you die!"
The blonde looks at his little sister quickly. "Go!"
The desperation in his eyes makes her heart break and she runs away.

"Do you really think I would let her go?"
Hawks glares at the villain. "If you touch her I will kill you."
The villain laughs and nods. "Kill me huh? Give it your best shot."
(Y/n) cries as she stumbles through the devistantion. "HELP! Please help me."
A heavy bolder trips the girl and she tumbled down the slight incline.

Endeavor grabs the girl and holds her in his arms. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?"
"K-Keigo! He's in trouble. That...that villain he..."
The hero looks up toward where she's pointing.
One of his sidekicks lands next to them and Enji hands him the girl.
"Take her to the hospital. I will go find Hawks."
The girl cries and grabs the tall man's arm. "Please save my brother."
The fire man nods once then leaves.

A few days later (Y/n) wakes up and sees her brother laying on the bed with her.
His body is bandaged up and she could tell he was in bad shape.
Tears water her eyes and she hugs him gently.
Hawks wakes up quickly but relaxes and hugs back.
"Hey baby bird. I'm glad you're awake. Endeavor told me he found you and sent you here."
"Stupid birdbrain. You're all hurt."
"But at least I'm alive. I promised I would never leave you. Especially not prematurely."
She punches his chest and he groans loudly.
"Careful baby bird. I got some bruised ribs."
"I'll break them if you do that again."

"I should be the one yelling at you! I told you to run away. You are not a hero and you could not only get in trouble with the law but you could die. I will not lose you! Do you understand me? Run when I tell you to."
"But I wanna be able to protect you."
"You don't have to. It's my job to keep you safe. I am your older brother not the other way around."
(Y/n) frowns and looks away. "Fine. Be that way."
The blonde sighs softly holds her close. "I love you."
"I love you too."

Hawks X Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now