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Obviously Keigo is too busy to go to a library.
He's probably never been to one.
Although today changed that, and his life.
A villain ran away and Hawk starts chasing him. The man run into the first convenient building, the library.
(Y/n) jumps at the sudden chaos that ensues.
Hawks flies at the man who ducks and runs in the opposite direction.
(Y/n) growls and sneaks up on the man.
As the villain is looking behind him (Y/n) jumps out and punches him as he turns back.
The woman shakes her hand from the pain of the sudden impact.
Keigo stops in his tracks at the sight.

The villain goes down, knocked out cold.
Hawks looks the woman up and down as he slowly walks over.
"Number 3, I got him." (Y/n) smiles softly and gestures to the man on the ground.
"I see that. That was impressive baby bird. Thanks."
(Y/n) brushes her skirt and turtleneck, regaining her composure. "You're welcome."
"I'm sorry about the mess we made. I'm sure it'll be a hassle to put everything back."
"Seeing as how I know these shelves like the back of my hand it won't take long to be back to normal. Plus I have a few regulars who can help."
"Ah, I see. Anyways I should get going."
"Have a nice day." She calls and waves.

After that, whenever he has free time he comes to the library to see her.
Soon he learns her schedule and offers to take her to lunch as repayment.
She happily agrees and enjoys his company.
At first it was obviously the short pencil skirt and tight turtleneck sweater but then he began to like everything about her.
She's sweet and smart but also strong.
(Y/n) agreed to go out with him when he asked her.
Keigo was enough of a gentleman to go on picnics and stay at the library where she could read to him.
His favorite part was her playing with his hair while she read.

Keigo wasn't used to this kind of relationship.
It's usually one night stands that don't go anywhere.
This is sweet, wholesome and definitely a slow burn.
Obviously with hints of spice though.
Keigo can't hold himself back that much.
They are lovers but it's nothing too crazy.
(Y/n) worried about her well being at first, thinking a villain might come after her, or heaven forbid the library, but eventually she threw caution into the wind.
If she wanted to be happy she couldn't dwell on the what ifs.

Keigo walks into the library and goes to find his girlfriend.
The said woman is helping a group of children in the fantasy section.
The hero clears his throat and (Y/n) turns around.
She smiles but goes back to helping the children.
Soon they leave and she turns back to her boyfriend.
This time he's on one knee, holding out a bouquet of flowers.
"Hey baby bird."
"Keigo," she whispers. (Y/n) walks over and takes the flowers.
The blonde reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring. "I never thought I'd do this, but I'm ready baby bird. I'm ready for our forever. Are you?"
Tears stream down her cheeks as she nods. "Yes!" She exclaims and hugs him tightly.
Keigo pulls away and puts the ring on her finger.

Hawks X Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now