Siren's Song

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Keigo sneaks out of the castle and sighs softly as he walks toward the shore.
Today has been stressful and he wanted nothing more than to feel the salty breeze against his face.
Once he gets closer to the water he could hear soft singing.
His eyes scan the ocean and in the distance he sees a figure.
That of a woman.
He moves closer, slowly, as to not draw her attention.
(Y/n) leans against the rock and sings quietly, not realizing her siren song had lured the prince to her.

Day after day he returned late at night to find the woman always on the rock.
Soon though, he began to want more. To know more and see her more.
(Y/n) knew about the prince and all the humans but she also knew it was best to keep her distance.
They would only capture her and put her on display.
She couldn't deny that she found the prince attractive, but so does every woman in the kingdom (and some men).
A perfect, lavish life for her and the prince would never be in the cards.
She believed friendship couldn't even be a possibility.

One day Keigo is walking along the shore, letting the sand get between his toes and the water rushing to his ankles.
A few guards follow loosely.
"I heard there have been sightings of a siren nearby. Maybe if we can capture her the zoo would pay handsomely to display her." One guard comments and looks at another guard.
"Sirens are nasty creatures. Luring people to their doom is monstrous and that's their life's mission. All sirens should be killed on sight." The third guard responds.
Keigo remains silent as he listens to the guards.

As the negative words get under his skin Keigo takes off running.
Soon he comes to the rock the woman frequents every night.
He swims out to it and sits on the other side.
(Y/n) gasps softly at the sudden presence of the prince.
"I'm so glad you're here." He whispers softly and smiles.
(Y/n) looks at the blonde.

"Your highness!" The guards yell from the shore.
(Y/n) looks at the men then hides before the prince.
"Is that a siren? Your highness capture her!" One of the guards yell.
Keigo looks at the woman quickly. "Do you have a human form?"
She nods and transforms.
"She's not a siren men. Leave us in peace." Keigo yells and brushes the men off, turning away from them.
(Y/n) glances between the four men, still nervous. "You're not going to kill me?"
"Of course not. I've come to love your song. It would be a pity to lose it."

"My song? Oh no. You're a victim of my siren's song."
"A victim? I wouldn't say that." Keigo opens his mouth to continue but frowns. "What is your name?"
The woman hesitates for a while, then slowly looks into his eyes. "(Y/n)."
He smiles and cups her cheek. "That's a beautiful name. Would you like to tour my kingdom? Since you can look like us no one would question you. Unless my impression of you was incorrect and you don't want to."

"I would love to. I've always kept my distance because I thought that it was for the best."
"Now you have me and you don't have to hide with me. I will gladly take you around, then when we are alone you can be your true self."
"So you aren't going to sell me to the zoo?"
Keigo chuckles quietly and shakes his head. "Heaven's no. The thought of you spending every day in a glass cage, suffering, is the last thing I want."
(Y/n) smiles and kisses his cheek.

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