Little Comfort

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Hawks walks into his apartment and looks around.
His shoes and jacket come off right away.
"Welcome home daddy." (Y/n) greets from his spot coloring on the living room floor.
"Hey baby boy. Whatcha coloring?" When Hawks looks down at the drawing he frowns.
It's just a bunch of frustrated scribbles.
"Bad day," (Y/n) mumbles and looks away.
Keigo pats his head and sits next to his little. "Yeah me too. Daddy was very stressed today."
"Do you want me to rub your back daddy?"
The hero chuckles quietly but nods. "Sure baby. Let's go to the bedroom."

(Y/n) gets up and pulls Keigo off the ground.
The bird stands a little taller than the boy a few months his senior. He wondered what happened to set off the age regression.
(Y/n) walks to their bedroom and Hawks lays down on his stomach. The boy jumps onto his boyfriend's back and kisses his cheek.
"You wanna talk about your bad day?"
The (h/c) frowns and starts rubbing Kiego's back. "No."
The bird uses his thumb to rub (Y/n)'s leg gently. "Baby I wanna take care of you. Remember you're not supposed to keep secrets from daddy."

(Y/n) leans his forehead between Kiego's shoulder blades. "Daddy I don't wanna talk."
The younger blonde sighs but doesn't push anymore. "Ok fine. Then let's talk about me." He talks about his bad day and the older listens while rubbing.

"Hey daddy? Are you happy I'm your little? Or do you wish I was a grown up all the time?"
Keigo looks at (Y/n) quickly. "What? Of course not! I love that you're my little. You are my precious baby boy and I wouldn't change you for the world."
Tears water the (h/c) eyes.
Hawks turns onto his back and holds the boy close. "Shhhhh baby it's ok. Just stay calm."
(Y/n) listens as Keigo hums softly. He grips the black and gold shirt tightly but slowly calms down.

Keigo pulls the boy's face away and kisses his forehead. "I love you so much. No matter what, ok? Don't ever think otherwise. You are my little and I'm so proud of you."
(Y/n) smiles and buries his face in the bird's chest. "I love you too daddy."
"Would you like to eat some ice cream?"
The little's eyes and smile widen.
"Why don't you get your blankie and I'll get us some ice cream. Meet me on the couch ok?"
(Y/n) jumps up and runs off.

Hawks sighs softly and gets up. "I'll get him to tell me later." He mumbles to himself and walks to the kitchen.
(Y/n) waits on the couch, wrapped in his blankie. "Daddy can we watch a movie?"
"Yeah. You can turn on whatever you want."
(Y/n) grabs the remote and turns on Disney+.
"What are you gonna turn on?" Kiego asks, walking over with two bowls.
(Y/n) smiles and turns on his favorite movie; one he can quote due to how many times he's watched it.
Treasure Planet.

Keigo laughs and hands the boy his small bowl.
(Y/n) frowns looking at his bowl. "Not fair. You got more than me daddy."
"Because daddy is a grown up. I wouldn't want my baby to get a tummy ache." The blonde rubs the boy's stomach and smiles softly.
The (h/c)'s cheeks puff out in a pout but it only makes Keigo smile more.
"Maybe if you finish yours I might give you a bite of mine."
(E/c) eyes light up and he bounces softly.

They start the movie and (Y/n) was so engrossed in the movie that he actually ate his ice cream slowly.
Keigo was impressed and thankful the boy didn't get a brain freeze.
The last time the little got a brain freeze it took at least 10 minutes for the boy to calm down and make it go away.
Also his cheeks were tear stained.

Keigo sets his empty bowl on the side table next to the lamp. He wraps his arm around the boy and he instantly curls into his daddy.
(Y/n) curls up and sniffles softly as tears stream down his cheek slowly.
Hawks knew that would happen so he gave the boy a tissue.
The little blushes but takes the tissue and wipes his tears then blows his nose.
The hero hands (Y/n) the trash bin and he throws in the dirty kleenex.
(Y/n) yawns softly and closes his eyes.
It didn't take long for the boy to fall asleep.
Keigo carries him to his room and tucks him in.
"Sweet dreams baby boy." He whispers, kisses his forehead then leaves the room.

Hawks X Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now