Too Far Gone

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"Hey baby bird, how's work?" Keigo asks.
(Y/n) holds the phone between her ear and shoulder. "Work is fine Keigo. We've talked about this though. You need to stop calling. My boss will get angry."
"Then I will kill him." Hawks responds, his dark aura obvious in his tone, making her sweat drop.
"Keigo you can't kill my boss. He's my friend and I actually like him, unlike my last boss."
"You like him? Are you seeing him behind my back?"
"Birdie stop. I am not cheating on you with my boss, or anyone. I love you."
"And only me right? You're not allowed to leave me."

(Y/n) sighs but smiles. "I will call when I'm on my way home. Then you and I can spend the rest of the day together."
"Good. But if something happens you will call me right? If someone even so much as looks your way I will murder them."
(Y/n) bites her lip. "Goodbye Birdie." She quickly hangs up and gets back to work.
Possessive to the max.
Hawks sighs and goes back to his patrol.

When (Y/n) gets done with work she goes outside and finds her boyfriend.
"Keigo, what are you doing here?"
"I came to take you home. I need to make sure everyone knows your mine, and mine alone."
The woman sighs but nods. "Fine. You may fly me home."
Hawks picks up his girlfriend and takes flight.
"How was your day?" She asks and wraps her arms around his neck.
"Eh. How was your day, baby bird? Did anyone try talking to you? You aren't talking to any guys right? Or girls?"
(Y/n) laughs softly and pats his cheek. "Birdie calm down. They are no threat to you. Or us for that matter. They're just co-workers. I love you Keigo."

Hawks pouts cutely as he flies through the balcony door.
(Y/n) goes to get down but Keigo holds her tighter.
"I don't wanna let you down."
"Birdie, I'm tired. I wanna shower and relax."
The blonde hovers over her. "I will join you."
(Y/n) blushes but nods. "Ok."

A few days later (Y/n) is relaxing on the couch when her boyfriend comes home, his clothes blood splattered.
"Birdie what happened?"
"It doesn't matter, baby bird. A bad man is dead now. Nothing to worry about."
"Keigo, who did you kill?"
"You had a stalker so I put him in his place."
"You're supposed to be a hero, Keigo. Hero's put stalkers in jail, not the grave."
"But baby bird, he was stalking you. I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe and happy."

(Y/n) pinches the bridge of her nose. "Keigo, go clean off. I'm gonna go lay down."
"Save me a place next to you." He kisses her head then walks to the bathroom.
Once he's gone her eyes widen and she silently panics.
"Ok he's gone. Too far gone. And now I have to live with it...forever."

Hawks X Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now