Meeting The Parents

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"Are you sure baby bird? I mean it doesn't have to be tonight."
"We're busy every other night for the next couple months Keigo. I'm starting to think you don't wanna meet my parents."
"Pshaw baby bird. I'm not nervous or anything. Cause I totally know they're gonna love me and not hate my guts...or anything like that."
(Y/n) smiles softly and kisses her boyfriend's cheek. "Birdie you're gonna be fine. My parents aren't gonna tear your head off."
"You promise? Cause they totally could."
The woman laughs and nods. "I promise my parents won't bite your head off."

Hawks and (Y/n) walk up to her parent's house and Keigo knocks on the door.
(Y/n) smiles and kisses his cheek.
The door opens to reveal the man and woman, the former looking stern and the latter looking nervous.
"Hi da-"
"How many times have you slept with my daughter?" The father asks, catching the bird off guard and he panicked.
"Never!" He yells with a tense body.
"Get him out of here." The man grumbles and glares at the bird then his daughter.

"His first instinct was to lie. I will not have my daughter dating a pathological liar and narcissist."
Hawks frowns and clenches his fists. He knew he fucked up.
"Why would you make that the first thing you say to him?! What ever happened to don't break my daughter's heart or I'll break your legs?" (Y/n) yells and steps in front of her boyfriend.
Keigo puts his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder and takes a step forward. "I'm really sorry sir. You caught me off guard. I've been so worried about you both hating me so much that I've been wanting to make a good first impression. I guess I really fucked that up. I mean, messed it up."

(Y/n) frowns, watching Hawks bows to her parents.
"Kensuke stop this nonsense. Darling come in for tea. Keigo you too." The mother pushes her husband out of the way and links her arm through the blonde bird's.
The three walk into the house while the father grumbles and follows.
"Suki he's a liar. How can you-"
"(Y/n) is a grown woman. We don't need to know how many times or with who or why. I don't want to know the answer anyways."
"We have but I won't tell you any details." (Y/n) responds and sits on the couch.

Hawks sits next to her and looks between her parents. "I could answer any other questions you have for me."
"How many people have you slept with before my daughter?"
Hawks rubs the back of his neck. "Are they all going to revolve around sex?"
"Don't mind him. He's being an ass."
Hawks laughs nervously.

"Is dinner almost ready?" (Y/n) asks and looks at her mother.
"Let me go check. Keigo do you cook at all?"
"Yeah. I like to cook for (Y/n) once in a while."
"So you make her cook most of the time? Or do you eat out everyday?" The father rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.
"Kensuke shut up. Keigo would you like to help me?"
Keigo smiles and nods. "I'd like that."
The two walk to the kitchen and check on dinner.
(Y/n) crosses her arms and glares at her father. "I hate you."
"I hate you more."

"If you tell each other you each other one more time I swear I will beat you with this frying pan so help me god!" Suki yells, causing Keigo to jump out of his skin.
Both father and daughter grumble and look away from each other.
"Do they do that often?" The hero asks confused.
"They do. Always butting heads those two. But deep down they actually love one another. They're both too stubborn to stray from their paths. So instead they yell and fight and say they hate the other when in reality they love each other."

"I understand. I am sorry though, for lying and everything."
"Don't worry about it. I could tell how nervous you were. You froze like a deer in headlights."
"I do my best to care for her and love her with everything I am. She gives me a reason to keep fighting and protecting people."
"So you do love her."
"I used to hate that word; it's empty. But when I met (Y/n) and I got to know her, after a long time and after hearing her say it to me every day I can finally say it and mean it."

Suki smiles softly and nods. "You seem like a good kid Keigo. You come from humble beginnings and will usher in a bright future for everyone."
"I strive to do so ma'am. I would be honored to one day call you mom."
"You think that day will come?"
"I can only hope and pray she would say yes."
"I'm sure my husband would have words to say but you have my blessing."
"Thank you ma'am."

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