Rio Trip

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(Y/n) was born in Espírito Santo but lived in Rio de Janeiro. She lived there for her early years before her parents got work in England.
So they began living in London.
Her parents taught her many languages but kept her main language English.
Her accent was what drew him in at first.
The blonde bird's weakness was whenever she spoke.
His favorite thing is when she's furious and starts ranting, moving between English, Portuguese then Japanese and between any other language her brain thinks of.
Although with moving so much and being mixed race it came with its own problems.
Her mental health began suffering.

At 23 she was depressed and isolated and spiraling down.
But then she met HIM.
A bird hero from Japan who is cocky and loving and her everything.
He was infatuated right away.
Her beauty and accent made him fall hard.
(Y/n) was reluctant to talk to him at first but his charisma broke down her walls.
He helps her feel loved and comfortable. He couldn't care less about her issues, in a sense that they didn't make him love her less.

Hawks sends her a good morning text and a good night text every day. He makes a point to visit at least once a day.
She enjoys his days off and tries to savor every second she has with him.
Sometimes jealousy takes over then makes her more upset because she didn't want to feel that way.
Although Keigo assures her it's ok to feel jealous and that she has nothing to worry about.

On days off Keigo takes her wherever she wants, to do whatever she wants.
Over the months and years they've been together it's become easier to help her, and slowly she was becoming more lively and confident.
Her change wasn't necessary but he was so proud of her.
(Y/n) makes a point to tell Keigo it's only because of him that she can be happy.
His end goal is to make her a strong, independent woman.
Someone who could stand on her own and be happy without him.
He is strong and independent but he also doesn't want to live without her anymore.
His goal is the opposite for her.
Especially since his job is dangerous and he could die at any moment.
She knew that but she didn't want to think about it.

Keigo planned a special trip for them as a birthday present to (Y/n).
A three day two night trip to Rio de Janeiro.
He didn't know a lot about the city besides the giant statue of Christ, but he figured he could learn more on the trip.
Hopefully she would like the trip too.
Upon receiving the news (Y/n) was ecstatic.
She packed immediately and started rambling in Portuguese.
Hawks smiles and watches, of course not understanding what she is saying.
You'd think after years he would know the language but he is clueless.
But he does understand her English due to his time in America.
Despite her using British terms he can still understand.

Upon arriving everything was going smoothly.
They go sightseeing and try out different restaurants and cafés.
He lets her order for him so he doesn't embarrass himself trying to pronounce words and phrases.
She was happy and felt good to be back home.
Except come day two things took a turn.

A woman was passing by and looked at (Y/n).
"Você não pertence aqui."
"O que você quer dizer?"
"Você não é brasileiro. Sair! Escória britânica!" She orders.
Tears stream down her cheeks as she turns away.
Keigo looks between the two women and follows his girlfriend. "Baby bird what's wrong?"
The said woman began ranting again.
Except this time Keigo didn't enjoy the multiple languages, only understanding the Japanese and English portions.

Keigo finally stops her on a pier and grabs her wrist.
(Y/n) looks at him quickly, tears blurring her vision.
"Baby bird what just happened?" He could see her mind reeling.
His hands move to her face, using his thumbs to wipe her tears.
"Keigo," she whispers.
"I'm right here baby bird. Tell me what happened? What did she say?"
(Y/n) leans her forehead against his chest and squeezes her eyes closed.
He remains silent and lets her go at her own pace.
One hand rubs her back while the other holds her head.

"She said I don't belong here. She told me I'm British scum and to leave." (Y/n) finally confesses.
The hero's anger boils but he stays calm for her sake.
"That's always been my biggest fear Keigo. I was born and raised here in Brazil. But when we moved to London things changed. I didn't feel like I belonged anywhere. Japan was no different. I just felt like I was making things worse. But you made me feel so loved and gave me a place to belong. Warm arms to call home."
Hawks sighs but smiles. He pulls her away and kisses her gently. "Home is wherever you want. Ignore people like her, okay?"
(Y/n) looks away.
"Easier said than done. I understand that baby bird. But weren't you the one that said my opinion was the only one that matters to you?"

(Y/n) looks back at her boyfriend and smiles weakly. "I love you so much Birdie."
"I love you too baby bird. And I will be with you for as long as I can. No promises for forever but for as long as I can manage."
The woman laughs softly and nods. "And I promise the same."
"Now let's go back to enjoying our trip. The mountains and beaches are breathtaking."
"My earliest memories are of me running through the sand into the water. My father has never run so fast. Making sure I didn't drown or get attacked. Also climbing the mountains faster than my parents."
Keigo smiles and holds her hand as they walk off the pier.

Hawks X Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now