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(Y/n) looks at the fifth test and sees yet another tiny pink + sign.
Her eyes water and she paces the bathroom.
"No~this can't be happening." She whispers softly. "We were safe. We did everything to prevent this. No one is supposed to know about us."
Her hands travel to her stomach and she frowns.
"I could...no I can't."
Hawks flies in and smiles happily. "Baby bird I'm here. Are you... what's wrong?"
(Y/n) looks over and walks out of the bathroom. "Keigo..."
"Whoa! What's with using my name?"

(Y/n) looks over her shoulder then back at the blonde.
Keigo looks over her shoulder then walks into the bathroom. He sees all five positive tests then quickly looks at his girlfriend.
Tears stream down her cheeks and she falls to her knees.
Hawks slowly walks over and rubs her shoulders. "I'm so sorry." He whispers and kneels down next to her.

Over the next few month people began to notice and soon enough the rumors started.
(Y/n) couldn't hide it either when she went out.
Hawks was forced to make an official statement and confirm that she is in fact pregnant.
Unfortunately these 40 weeks have been torture, in more ways than one.
Not only was the publicity awful but the physical pain is overwhelming.
Morning sickness, body aches, nearly toppling over.

(Y/n) needed to take off work more frequently due to appointments and sometimes she was in so much pain she couldn't go in.
Everything about this experience was terrible and she wished it wasn't happening.
Hawks did his best to be there for her, even if he didn't know how to feel about the situation.
Obviously he was a little happy but it was mostly regret and guilt.
The birth was the worst part of all.

23 hours of labor, Hawks couldn't be there until the last minute because of a mission and she was excepting a natural birth.
Due to some complications they needed to do an emergency c-section.
Keigo holds her hands while she cries and kisses her forehead.
Soon enough they hear a cry and (Y/n) watches Keigo walk to her side to cut the cord.
They lay the baby's cheek against hers and she cries too.
The nurse takes the baby away to do normal procedure while they clean her up.

Keigo walks to the nursery and takes a picture of the baby, posting it on his socials.
The media blew up over the post.
The blonde walks back to (Y/n) and holds her hand.
The woman looks at him.
"I know this wasn't expected and I'm sorry for everything you've been through, but I'm gonna stay with you. I will help you in any way I can."
(Y/n) smiles and squeezes his hand. "I love you." She whispers and yawns softly.
"Get some sleep before the baby wakes up. I'm sure you'll have to feed in an hour or two."
(Y/n) nods and closes her eyes.
"I love you." He whispers and kisses her gently.

Hawks X Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now