Asking Out

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(Y/n) sighs softly as she grades papers. She sits back and cracks her neck gently. "So much to do, so little time." She mumbles to herself.
A knock at her classroom door catches her attention.
The woman smiles upon seeing her childhood friend.
"Hey baby bird. You still grading papers?"
"Yeah. It's a pain but it's worth it. What can I do for you?"
The question makes the blonde's expression turn from happy to nervous.
This of course doesn't go unnoticed.
"Is something wrong Birdie?"
"'s just..." Keigo looks away and rubs his nape.
(Y/n) straightens her papers then stands up. "You can be honest with me, you know that."

"Would you wanna go on a date? I know this out of the blue but I've really liked you for a long time. Your siren song really got to me when we were children. Now seeing you as a woman and a U.A. teacher has solidified my feelings."
(Y/n) quickly covers his mouth with her hands and blushes deeply. "Don't say such embarrassing things." She whines softly.
Keigo frowns and looks at her. He pulls her hands away. "Is that a no?"
(Y/n) blushes more but laughs softly. "Of course I'll go on a date with you?"
His smile returns.
"Can we go now?"

"Let me finish grading these papers then I'll go home and change."
"Ok. Just text me when you're ready."
(Y/n) smiles and nods. She kisses his cheek gently.
He blushes softly and flies off.
The teacher sits back down and finishes grading quickly.
Upon arriving at home she immediately rummages through her closet for something nice to wear.
Finally she picks a nice dress and changes.
It took all of two minutes for Hawks to show up at her place after she texts him.
Keigo knocks on her door and she opens it.

(Y/n) looks him up and down.
He holds out a rose to her and smiles softly.
"Thank you." She whispers as he puts it in her hair, behind her ear.
He picks her up and spins her in circles. "Ready to go?"
The (h/c) laughs and holds onto him. "Yes of course."
Keigo holds her close and flies off.

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