USJ Incident

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(Y/n) laughs softly as she walks with the 1-A students into the USJ.
"Come on Mrs. T. Tell us about your husband." Mina pulls on the woman's arm.
The teacher blushes but smiles. "Let's see. He's brave and cool and kind."
"Is he a pro hero?" Tsu asks, finger against her lip.
"I can't tell you that." (Y/n) smiles softly.
That didn't give the girls any more idea than before.

As the training goes on (Y/n)'s eyes widen when she sees the warp gate open and villains pour out.
"Children get outside quickly!" The woman yells.
Eraser and Thirteen are quick to protect the children.
Unfortunately the children were surrounded and they had to fight anyway.
Thankfully Iida makes it out to get help.
(Y/n) uses her quirk to protect the students in her care.

Just as she turns, her eyes widen once again.
A villain has his quirk pointed at one of the students.
The teacher lunges right away and shields the student but gets hurt in the process.
The child frowns but she does her best to comfort them.
"I'm ok." She whispers then goes back to fighting.

Just as things were about to end the doors burst open and the staff rush in.
All might grabs (Y/n) and her students, throwing them to safety.
After the villains retreat and everything is calmed down (Y/n) finally sits on the steps and looks at her wound.
It's nothing too serious but her husband would definitely fuss over it.
Speaking of her husband.

Hawks flies in quickly and looks around for his wife.
(Y/n) shakes her head and smiles softly. "Hawks you didn't have to come."
The blonde rushes to her side and cups her cheek. "Nezu sent me a short message saying you were in danger. Are you ok?" He looks her over then sees her injury.
"I'm fine. Just a little scratch I got protecting the kids."
Hawks smiles softly and leans his forehead against hers. "Brave as always. Something I love about you dearly."

"I'm sorry to make you worry." She mumbles and kisses his cheek.
"I'm just glad you're ok now."
"You should get back to patrol. The students need to be checked on. And I don't need Mina fangirling over us."
The bird laughs softly but nods. "Ok. I love you." He whispers, kisses her cheek then leaves.
(Y/n) gets up and checks on some of the students.

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