KFC For Christmas?!

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"Keigo in all my 23 years on this planet I have never heard of anyone eating KFC as their Christmas dinner tradition. That's insane. You're only saying that so we'll have it for the third time this week."
"I'm not making it up baby bird, I swear. Ask anyone and they'll tell you. It started back in like the 70's or something."
(Y/n) rolls their eyes. "I'm asking Enji next time I see him."
"No, ask Mirko. The Todoroki family only eats fancy stuff for holidays. I'm sure he's never heard about the tradition."
"Whatever Birdie."
"Baby bird you're not from Japan. I'm not surprised you haven't heard of it."

"Yeah. People were looking for alternatives for Turkey and Ham on Christmas so the KFC manager advertised the party bucket and it was a hit. It's been tradition ever since." Mirko explains and (Y/n) frowns, groaning softly.
"So he wasn't making it up."
"Nah. But I'm totally not denying him using it as an excuse."
"I'm used to having a turkey with my family. This is my first Christmas away from them. I'd really like to keep the turkey for dinner. Except Keigo keeps whining."
"Did you explain why."
"Yeah but he's being stubborn and kind of judgmental."

Mirko frowns, confused. "How so?"
"He told me I should want to start new traditions with him. That I shouldn't let my family rule over my life and influence how he and I spend our time. He even said: "do you let your parents tell you what to do all the time?" I couldn't believe him."
"Oh...Wow. I probably would have kicked his ass, not gonna lie."
"That was just before I came here. When he said that I left the apartment."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you want me to go kick his ass?"

(Y/n) manages a small laugh and shakes their head. "Nah."
"That was definitely a dick thing to say. Do you wanna spend the night at my place?"
"That would be appreciated. I don't expect him to apologize, but it would be nice."
Mirko frowns and immediately texts the winged hero.
Keigo looks at his phone and immediately sweat drops.

As the holiday draws closer (Y/n) grew more sad the longer Hawks ignored them.
He is being stubborn and refuses to back down.
It wasn't just about the dinner to him, it was more than that.
It's not that he dislike their family but he felt like they had too much power over them still, even after being away for so long.
(Y/n) has lived in Japan for many years but this was the first time they decided to spend Christmas with their boyfriend, which was a huge decision and very hard to make.

(Y/n) sits on their shared bed as tears stream down their cheeks slowly.
Their knees are pulled to their chest.
"I moved across an ocean for him. I switched jobs for him. I left everything behind for him. I do everything for him and whatever he wants but he...he can't let me have turkey for Christmas? He's being a jerk for what? Greasy chicken?"
After a few minutes of crying into their knees the door slowly opens and the blonde walks in.

"Baby bird?" Keigo whispers and looks at his partner.
(Y/n) sniffles and slowly looks up. "What?" They didn't mean for it to sound so harsh but it definitely conveyed their true feelings.
Hawks walks over and sits next to them. He gently wipes their tears with his sleeve.
The (h/c) pulls away and moves away.
Even though they wanted nothing more than to curl into his lap and nuzzle his neck they had to stay strong.
If he's gonna be a stubborn jerk they can too.

Keigo frowns but nods slightly. "Nevermind." He whispers then leaves.
(Y/n) couldn't believe he didn't say anything.
Their eyes are wide as the look from the door to their lap.
A sob gets caught in their throat as their phone rings.
It's their mom.
(Y/n) cleans up their face and answers. "Hi mom."
"Hello baby. Are you excited for Christmas. Your father has to keep reminding himself not to make as much food now that you're not coming." The woman greets and laughs softly.
This causes the (h/c) to smile as well.

The hurt comes back and tears silently roll down their cheeks.
"I wish I was there with you." They whispers softly.
"Oh don't say that. You and Keigo are going to have a wonderful Christmas and make all kinds of new memories and traditions."
"Mom he..." they trail off, not wanting to upset her.
"He what baby?"
"Nevermind. I just hope my turkey turns out just like dad's."
"I bet yours will turn out better."
"Thanks mom. I love you."
"I love you too baby. Oop your father is calling me. I gotta go."
"Goodbye!" (Y/n) yells before they hang up.

(Y/n) sets their alarm so they can get up early enough to make the turkey but when their eyes flutter open something feels off.
After stretching and smiling they flip out when they look at the time.
It's nearly noon.
Hot tears stream down their cheeks when they see their alarm is turned off.
"Did he...? Why would he...?"
They couldn't form a complete sentence.
Slowly they get up and squeeze their small blanket around their body.

As they enter the kitchen, vision blurred from salty water, their eyes widen at the sight.
The blonde hero is standing in front of the stove, moving a cooked turkey to a large plate.
His feathers are moving around the kitchen working together to make different side dishes.
All foods her family makes.
Two feathers are even making their favorite dessert.
"Damn this thing is heavy." Keigo mumbles once the meat is on the plate. "I hope this tastes ok. Pa said (Y/n) likes it like this."
Wait, did he call my dad?

Finally Keigo turns around and he jumps in fright seeing his partner.
"Baby bird! How long have you been standing there?"
"What is this?" They ask instead.
Keigo looks away and rubs the back of his neck. "I visited your family yesterday."
"Wait, what?"
"I couldn't stand it anymore and I ranted to them about how I truly felt. I explained my side and they listened. They just smiled and nodded all wise like. They are the fucking coolest people. They told me how they felt and I realized how wrong I was."
(Y/n) remains silent, still shocked.
"Baby bird I'm so sorry. I was an ass and I really hope this makes up for that. And I talked to them about coming here next year. My treat of course."

Tears once again flow down their cheeks as they look around at the food then into their boyfriend's eyes.
"Birdie." They whisper weakly.
Slowly Hawks walks over and wipes their face.
"Come take a bite and tell me if it's ok." He takes their hand and walks over to the stove.
After grabbing a fork (Y/n) takes a small bite.
The blonde waits nervously for a review.
Finally the (h/c) smiles and holds his hand.
"It's wonderful. Almost as good as dad's."
Keigo's eyes widen at the high praise.
"You mean it?"
(Y/n) laughs and nods.

Hawks X Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now