Slow Burn

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"Big sis I'm scared."
"I know Eri, but I'm here. We can go through the pain together. I'll make your pain hurt less ok?"
The little girl nods and buries her face in the girl's chest.
(Y/n) uses her quirk, the power to heighten and dampen emotion, to calm the girl down.
It can't make the feeling go away, just make it less severe.
It's a large part of how Eri can go through the torture she does.
And also why Kai keeps her around.
Not to mention his small feelings for her.

Eri sniffles and grips her shirt. "I really wanted to go with that blonde man and green haired boy."
"I know Eri. I wish they took you too. But maybe they'll come rescue us someday."
"You think they'll come save us?"
"I can only hope. I want you to have a happy life outside this place?"
"But Overhaul will hurt them if I leave. Bad things always happen because of me."
"Don't listen to him. You are not a bad girl. And if I have to, I will distract Kai and let you escape for real."

"What are you two talking about?" Kai asks, walking over.
(Y/n) looks at the brunette quickly. "Girl things." She lies and crosses her arms. "You should knock before entering a woman's room."
The man looks away for a moment then looks at the little girl. "Come Eri."
The white haired girl clings to the (h/c). "Big sis I don't-"
"She's not your sister Eri, remember?"
"Kai just let her call me big sis. It helps." The woman puts her hand gently on his arm.
Her voice is soft and low.
His eyes move from her hand to her eyes.
"I will retrieve you after." He whispers then takes the girl away.

"You're safe now. Overhaul can't hurt you anymore." Mirio puts his hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder.
"Where is Eri?!"
"They're gonna take her to the hospital for monitoring. She was unable to control her quirk but thanks to Eraserhead she passed out."
"Are you injured at all? Do you need to go to the hospital?" Deku asks, walking over.
"I'm fine. He never hurt me. I did my best to help her, but it wasn't enough. Thank you so much for helping her. She was like my little sister."
"So you weren't working for Overhaul?" Deku inquires.
"No! He used my quirk to help with Eri. He also had feelings for me so he took good care of me. My quirk isn't combative so I wouldn't have been able to fight or escape."

"I guess you're just a regular civilian now then. The police will deal with you from here." Mirio comments and rubs the back of his neck.
"I wish I could be a hero. I wanna take down bad guys like Kai but my quirk isn't useful in battle."
"What is your quirk?" Mirio asks and crosses his arms.
"I can heighten and dampen emotions."
"You're right, it's not suited for the field. I-
"Sorry to interrupt but I must speak to you." Centipede walks over and puts his hand on (Y/n)'s back.

"Do you have more questions, sir?" The woman asks.
"I thought it best for you to stay with a hero close to your age until we can provide you with proper living arrangements and assimilate you back into society."
"A hero my age?"
"Yes. How old are you?"
"I'm 18," she mumbles.
"The hero closest to you is Hawks. I'll make the arrangements. For tonight you will be monitored at the hospital and you can be near Eri."
"I want to be there when she wakes up. I can help her with my quirk."
The hero sighs but nods. "You will be informed."

"I'm Hawks and you can call me Hawks."
"What's your real name?" (Y/n) asks, looking at his outstretched hand.
After a frown and long pause he sighs, putting his hand down.
"Keigo Takami, but don't-"
"Keigo it is then. I don't use hero names."
"Then it's gonna be hard for you to be a hero yourself. When you're in a mission you use hero names, not civilian names."
"Well we aren't on a mission are we? We're living together until they find a place for me."

Hawks is taken aback but smirks. "I like you already. Fine. I'll call you (l/n)."
"No! Just (Y/n) please." She quickly interrupts him.
He looks at her for a while before nodding. "As you wish. I guess I can teach you the ropes of being a hero while I have some time off."
"That would be great."
"Of course we have to start from scratch because you know nothing about the business but that's ok."

Over the next couple weeks Hawks and (Y/n) spend a lot of time together and he was starting to like her a lot.
And although he would flirt he didn't really know how she felt.
Obviously she would flirt back and it was fun, but she never expressed her real feelings toward him.
Granted he didn't either.
He's not the domestic type.
Soon enough the HC found an apartment for her and an easy job for her to start out at.
Keigo realized this was his last chance to tell her.

"You'll be moving out tomorrow huh? Starting fresh away from Overhaul and Eri."
"I miss her so much, but she's happy and doing great with Eraser and the UA students."
"Yeah... I was wondering though..."
"Hm? What's wrong?" (Y/n) asks as she finishes packing her suitcase.
Hawks takes a breath and musters up all his courage and confidence. "Go out with me."
Her eye widen and she looks at him confused.
"Excuse me?"
"I like you kid. I like a lot of things about you. Since you first arrived my feelings have only grown. It's a foreign feeling for me and I wasn't sure what this feeling was but I realized it's love."
(Y/n) blushes deeply and slowly walks over to the bird.
Her smile grows as she cups his face with both hands.
"I'm honored." She whispers and kisses him gently.

Hawks X Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now