Boi That Escalated Quickly

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Hawks first saw (Y/n) when Endeavor introduced them. Keigo was infatuated right away.
The woman didn't think anything of him at first.
But once he began doing everything in his power to get her attention she finally noticed.
Whenever he sees her around he puffs up his wings and lands next to her, startling her slightly.
"Hey baby bird. Fancy meeting you here."
"Hey Hawks."
Most of the time he knew exactly where she was and stalked her, claiming it was coincidence.

A few times he considered coloring his wings rainbow to really get her attention and maybe even affection.
Of course HC denied that right away.
Hawks is constantly fixing his hair when they talk too.
A couple times he wanted to whistle at her but he was afraid she'd think he was catcalling and hate him.
The blonde even began to go so far as to stage crazy incidents to show her how cool he is.
Once in a while he'll involve kids to prove how good with kids he is and the possibility of him being a dad is on the table.

(Y/n) didn't find the little things abnormal and soon fell for his charm.
Hawks was overjoyed when she agreed to be his girlfriend.
His demeanor became more possessive though.
(Y/n) walks close to him but he pulls her flush against his side.
Sometimes he'll even carry her.
His wings will wrap around her and block her from others walking past.
Even after months she still didn't see his actions as toxic.

Unfortunately when they got married things soon clicked.
When he began cooping her up in the apartment and telling her she shouldn't hang out with certain friends she got nervous.
He always had to confirm that she was his and that no one could take her away from him.
At first the nesting thing was cute but she didn't plan on having kids for a while.
Sadly Keigo had other plans.
When his mating season comes around he makes sure (Y/n) is overflowing and doesn't give her a chance to protest.
This was also a red flag she took notice of.
He was deliberately trying to impregnate her.

Finally she snaps.
Everything came crashing down and she couldn't take it.
(Y/n) sat Keigo down and he was more than happy to chat.
Unfortunately it was a topic he didn't want to discuss.
"You need help Keigo. This behavior is not normal and you need to fix it. I can recommend someone to help and you can start seeing them as soon as possible."
"What are you talking about baby bird?"
"Keigo everything you're doing, the possessiveness, the breeding and vanity needs to stop. I love you but I can't take this anymore. I want to go out and live my life. I can't do that when you keep me locked away in the apartment."

Alas this conversation ended horribly wrong.
Not only did it all go in one ear and out the other but he grew worse.
Before (Y/n) could go out every once in a while but now he chained her to the bed.
The only sunlight she gets is from the small window to her right.
He also had his way with her whenever he felt like it.
Needless to say they expected a baby sooner than expected.
Thankfully (Y/n) managed to escape and go into hiding.
Hawks went insane and began his endless search for his baby bird.

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