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(Y/n) has always had a weak constitution.
That didn't stop her from having a fiery personality.
The thing at made Hawks fall for her in the first place.
Being a teacher at UA gave her a rather calm life though.
Soon a wrench was thrown in when they found out she's pregnant.
Her heath began to decline and she was hospitalized.
All of her students came to visit and left gifts and cards.
(Y/n) reads them throughout the day to make herself feel better.
Keigo visits whenever he can but gets kicked out by a nurse when visiting hours are over.

Today when the door opens (Y/n) saw Deku come in.
She smiles softly as he walks over.
"Are you feeling any better?"
"Better? No."
"Is it a bad day?"
This question has become daily with him.
Asking if it's a good day or bad.
She wanted to be annoyed but she was just happy he cared.
Before she can answer him though Keigo knocks and walks into the room.
(Y/n) frowns and looks at the child. "Deku why don't you head back to the dorms."
The green haired boy frowns but nods.

Once he's gone (Y/n) starts coughing and Hawks rushes to her side.
"Baby bird." He whispers and holds her close.
She puts her hand on her stomach and calms down.
He feels her stomach, wishing he could feel a kick or movement but it was too early for that.
Their tender moment is ruined by the doctor walking in.
(Y/n) looks at her doctor and takes his frowns as a bad sign.
"I have good news and bad news."
"Tell me the bad news first." The woman requests.
The man shakes his head. "I can't."
"Why not?" Hawks asks.

"Because the good news is there is a way to cure you of your sickness."
(Y/n) smiles happily, putting her hand on Keigo's, whose is still on her stomach.
Although her frown returns when she remembers there's bad news.
"What's the bad news."
"In order to cure you your fetus needs to be removed." The doctor responds.
Both (Y/n) and Keigo's eyes widen in horror.

"Excuse me?" She finally manages.
Keigo immediately glares at the doctor and stands up. "Leave us."
The doctor puts her chat on the footboard then leaves.
Tears stream down (Y/n)'s cheeks quickly.
Keigo looks at his girlfriend. "You aren't considering that are you? It's total bullshit."
The woman wraps her arms around her stomach and sniffles.
Another coughing fit takes over and Keigo quickly holds her.
"I don't care if that doctor tells us we could try again once you're better. I don't want to give up this one."

(Y/n) clenches his jacket.
Unfortunately a nurse walks in and sighs.
"Mr. Hawks how many times do I have to tell you? Visiting hours are over and you have to leave."
The (h/c)'s grip slowly loosens and Keigo frowns.
"Baby bird?"
"You should go. We can talk tomorrow or when you have off again."
The blonde sighs but nods. He kisses her then leaves the hospital.

Hawks X Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now