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"Keigo we are not having KFC for thanksgiving."
"Why not?"
"Because that's a Christmas meal for one. And two I always make a turkey. You know that. My family always has a turkey."
"Why can't it just be you and I this year with a bucket?"
(Y/n) rubs her temple and walks away from her boyfriend.
"Baby bird don't walk away."
"I can't with you right now."

Hawks sighs softly as (Y/n) walks into their bedroom.
The woman packs her suitcase for the weekend.
Once she finishes the blonde walks into the room.
"Baby bird," he mumbles.
Before she can answer his phone rings.
They both knew what that meant.
Keigo frowns and answers his phone.
Another mission.
The couple makes sad eye contact.

"I'm going for the weekend. If you happen to be free you're welcome to come."
Keigo tries to listen to the mission details while watching his girlfriend leave.
(Y/n) drives to her parent's house and puts on a happy face.
Her parents greet her and immediately lead her to the kitchen.
They have fun making the food together just like every year.

"Is Keigo coming?" Her mother asks.
"Or is he too busy being a hero?" Her father adds.
(Y/n)'s smile falters.
"He got a call when I left. I told him if he's free to come but I doubt he will. He wanted us to stay in and share a KFC bucket."
"He what? That damn birdbrain. Doesn't he know that's a Christmas meal?" Her father groans.
"That's what I said."
"Darling calm down. I'm sure he just wanted to spend time alone with her."
"Mom he knows how important this is for me. Why would he-"
"Is the food ready?" (Y/n)'s younger brother asks.
"No. Now go away twerp. You know the kitchen rules."

The boy sticks his tongue out and runs away.
The three adults laugh softly.
"Darling just don't let this get between you. I understand where he's coming from."
"I get it but still."
"Let's not talk about this anymore. These potatoes won't mash themselves." The father pipes up.
The women laugh softly.
Once again they start cooking.

The family sits at the table and holds hands.
"I am thankful for the family I was blessed with and this food we were able to prepare together." (Y/n)'s mother begins.
"I am thankful for the two children we were blessed with. Thank you for letting them be smart and beautiful and successful." Her father continues.
Her brother squeezes her hand. "I'm thankful for the coolest big sister ever. I'd also be grateful if she got me the new game console on my Christmas list."
(Y/n) laughs softly along with her brother while their parents scold him.

"I'm grateful for the best girlfriend in the world. She's the love of my life and I wouldn't trade her for anything."
Everyone turns to see the blonde hero standing in the doorway.
"You came! Please hurry and take a seat." The mother rushes and gestures to the seat between her and her daughter.
Keigo walks over slowly and sits down.
"It's about time." The father mumbles and crosses his arms.
"I did my best to defeat the villains as fast as I could. I told my sidekicks I was gonna be gone the whole weekend."

(Y/n) smiles softly and squeezes her boyfriend's hand.
Once again everyone holds hands and closes their eyes.
"I'm thankful for everything I have and for all the people in my life. For the time I get on this earth and the time I get to spend with those I love, who love me and doing what I love." (Y/n) finishes up.
Keigo lifts her hand and kisses her knuckles. "I'm sorry about earlier. It was dumb to ask that of you."
"Thank you Keigo. I love you."
"I love you too baby bird."

Hawks X Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now