Romeo and Juliet

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"Man, undercover is such a pain. Why couldn't I..."
"If I have to tell you one more time that I'm not interested I'm gonna shove my foot so far up your-"
"Wow, calm down (Y/n)." Twice quickly interjects the (h/c) and some random guy.
Hawks walks over and smirks. "What's going on here?"
"Oh hey Hawks." Twice greets the bird.
"This dick-for-brains won't leave me alone." The woman responds and crosses her arms.
"I just wanted one date jeez. High maintenance much?"
"I would suggest you stay away from her." The blonde's deadly aura radiates and the man runs away quickly.
The girl blushes but smiles softly. "Thanks Keigo." She whispers then walks away.
"You're so cool, Hawks." The body double compliments then walks away.

Hawks loosely follows the woman to a secluded room.
(Y/n) turns around and kisses him quickly.
The blonde smirks and kisses back.
"Thanks for coming to my rescue, Birdie."
"Anything for you baby bird. It sucks that I can't do this in front of people."
"Well, being a double agent must be really hard." She whispers in his ear.
"I don't care about that when I'm with you. Heroes and villains can rot for all I care when I'm with you."
(Y/n) blushes softly. "If only my family could understand. When they find out they'll kill you."

Keigo sighs and pulls away. "If I could, I would take you somewhere far away. Somewhere we could be free and happy. Somewhere that I don't have to be a hero and you don't have to be a villain."
(Y/n) frowns and looks away. "Anyone else would have brushed me off as another bad guy. I don't like being here. I'm not a bad person. My family just expects it of me. They are loyal to Shiggy and Destro."
Keigo holds her hand. "That's why I care about you. I know you and you see through me."
"Keigo I-"

"What have we here?" Dabi smirks and crosses his arms.
"Touya!" (Y/n) exclaims and takes a step back.
"Hey little mouse. What have I walked in on?"
"It's none of your business Dabi." Hawks pushes his girlfriend behind his back.
"I wonder, Hawks, if you're so committed to us, why are you two sneaking around?"
"Because I asked him to." The woman quickly answers.
"Oh is that so? Don't want mommy and daddy knowing you've got a boyfriend who's on the fence?" Dabi puts his hands in his pockets.
"Just leave us alone Touya. Forget you saw us."
Dabi sighs and turns around. "Fine. But Hawks for your sake I would make your true allegiance known."
After he leaves (Y/n) sighs and buries her face in her boyfriend's chest.

"The heroes are raiding the-"
Hawks' eyes widen. "(Y/n)," he whispers.
The said woman tries to hide among the chaos.
Her family drags her out and forces her to fight.
The heroes weren't holding back but they took notice of the girl's behavior.
Finally she cries and runs away, allowing her family to be taken in.
(Y/n) avoids villain-hero fights going on all around.
Unfortunately due to the tears blurring her vision she couldn't see as well.

A quirk she runs past catches her in the crossfire.
(Y/n) gasps and holds her wound.
Hawks flies in quickly and his eyes widen. He lands next to his girlfriend and replaces her hand with his.
"Keigo," she whispers.
"I'm so sorry I couldn't warn you. I didn't know they-"
"Keigo I'm sorry." She whispers, coughing up blood then cries softly.
"Baby bird you're gonna be ok. You're not a villain so I can save you and we can be happy."
"Birdie I... I love you."
"Oh no. Don't say that yet. Remember we have to wait a couple more months before we can say the L-word."

(Y/n) manages a weak laugh. "Birdie I don't have a couple months. It hurts so much."
"Hawks step away from the villain. We need to take her in," Endeavor commands.
"Keep fighting the Nomu Endeavor," Hawks rebuttals.
(Y/n) cups his cheek gently. "I'm sorry I couldn't be a hero like you."
"Don't say that. I love you just as you are. I'm gonna get you medical attention then we can-"
"Birdie..." She whispers and trails off.
Her eyes close but she smiles.
"You said you love me."
"Baby bird, don't leave me."
Endeavor frowns and puts his hand on his friend's shoulder. "The fight isn't over Hawks. We have to fight until the MLA is defeated."
Keigo ignores his friend and holds the woman close, trying not to cry.

Hawks X Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now