Grab n Go||1

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     I had always imagined how it would be like to live with boys. I had no one except for my mother who was known for being a whore in this god forsaken town and my father being a lonely man who owned the grab n go, and made just enough to feed me. I always promised myself I would stay happy for him and I still go on to this very day.

     My life at school seemed perfect. On the cheer squad and getting straight A's, always smiling and then in the free time helping my dad run the grab n go. Really I just felt alone. I knew everyone in my school and everyone knew me, I wasn't really in  a particular group. I just flowed with whoever talked to me the most. I guess you could say I had it good...- Anyways it was time to take my shift at the grab n go, wearing a tank top and some shorts since it was hot that day. But I had to be careful of what I wore because usually the people who would come in were teenage scumbags or little kids just wanting to waste their few cents on candy keeping it a secret from their parents.

     "Y/N! Your turn to take the shift!" My father had yelled for me from the bathroom. Walking out into the store part, my father was packing up to leave to probably pick my mom up from some random guys place. I waved him goodbye then went over the counter to take the shift. I started reading a magazine about teen boy idols. Non of them really peaked my interest. The bell started ringing meaning customers were now rushing in. It was the normal set of customers, until my favorite customer had come in. Finny Blake was a freshman, while I was sophomore in high school.

     Me and Finny met when I had found him on the baseball field launching a rocket. I felt bad that he was alone just launching rockets or maybe he liked being alone either way I walked up to him and we started talking. Ever since then I've hung out with him whenever the opportunity presented itself. There's a part of me that thinks he has a crush on me but I think he's just a bit awkward.

"Well isn't it Finny Blake in this..-" I looked around and then waved my arms. He just gave me a settled laugh.

     "Well it's better then that other convenient store, it sucks compared to this one...- Besides this place has a pinball machine" Finny continued now sitting now behind the counter with me. My father had liked me hanging out with Finney, partly because it was a safer option compared to other people.

     "Yeah, but it's hogged all the time by a girl" I say ringing up another customer.

     "A girl...?" He looked confused at me and I just nodded. "And what does this girl look like by any chance?"

     "Long blonde curly hair, tall and a little bit bulky. And I don't mean bulky in a bad way."  Organizing the shelf's all I could feel is Finnys stare on the back of my head. "What!" I said turning around laughing.

     "I think you've mistaken Pinball Vance for a tall blonde bulky girl." Like that the door bell rang and in came that Pinball Vance who I once thought was a girl but now was clear that he was indeed a boy.

     I've never seen the face of Pinball Vance that I once thought was a tall blonde bulky girl. But I have to admit...he was a bit dreamy you could say. I looked down and then at Finney who was starring at Vance going to the pinball machine. Finney and I just continued talking while I checked out customers but soon Gwen came in letting Finney know it was time to leave. I waved him goodbye and then it was just me alone at the counter. Usually my father was back by then but this time he was unusually late. It wasn't until I was distracted from the magazine, I put down to an aggressive ring on the bell. I looked up to see Vance waiting impatiently for me to notice him.

"Do you have change for a five?" He said roughly with the five in his fist. I nodded and placed my hand out to collect the five and when he handed me the five he shocked me. Like genuinely shocked me like static. I flinched back from the sudden bolt and he just looked sour. I got the change and handed it to him back, then he just walked grumpily back.

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