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     I ended up going to work when Vance left, he wasn't at pinball and I was shocked. Just some kids came in trying to beat Vance's score but failing immediately. It felt empty without him. Finny and Robin had gotten here though, they started talking about the fight that occurred with Vance and Moose. Little did they know it was because of me on how I rejected Moose. Robin vowed if Moose ever laid a hand on me he would kick the shit out of him. I laughed hugging him and Finny, they were the comfort I needed. After all of us were talking while I rang up customers. Soon it was time for Robin and Finny to head out and I waved goodbye.

    It was just me alone in the store, Vance would usually be here with me but sadly he wasn't here. Maybe I'll explain what happened, that I was just to scared to be hurt. I locked up the store and started walking home then I remembered what Vance had asked of me, "Don't fucking walk home alone...-". He wouldn't explain but he just seemed worried. I ended up going back in the store calling my dad to pick me up and which he did. I'd keep my promise for Vance, even when he didn't want to see me. That night I couldn't even go to bed, but instead I got a gut feeling that something went wrong, like terribly wrong.

That morning was different, Vance wasn't there and so I walked to school alone. Everyone was shocked when I walked into school and I wasn't with Vance. They'd probably thought we went through miscommunications or simply he just used me to get all better and well. I didn't really care but I just felt everyone starring and when I was with Vance, I couldn't care less. He made me feel so special and happy, but even if he couldn't offer me somethings like comforts and hugs their could still be ways to teach him. That was it. I liked Vance Hopper, and I just let him slip away from me. I leaned up against my locker and just felt a tear fall down my cheek.

School was over and I walked straight to the Grab n Go to see if Vance was there. I had to tell him I was sorry and how I really felt. I started running to get there and when I had rushed in, it was a pinball machine that was being unused. I walked up my dad who was working.

"Dad, was Vance here?" I asked my dad nervous hoping for a good answer.

"No he wasn't here, actually he wasn't here at all today." My heart sunk when I heard that Vance wasn't here. That couldn't be possible, Vance is obsessed with pinball no way he would let anyone pass his score without him beating it.

"Ok...I think I'm gonna call in sick today." I walked out and started rushing towards Finny's house. I knocked on the door to find Gwen answer. I hadn't really talked to her but I was on the verge of crying.

     "Oh Y/n...come here." Gwen said opening her arms wide for me to hug her. Even if she was 2 years younger then me she still was a great comfort. All my friends that were girls had ditched me once finding out I started hanging with Vance Hopper. I guess they were jealous?

     Gwen had led me inside and brought me to her room. She told me that Finny was over at Robins tutoring him and promised to be back home at 4, I cried to her and told her all about Vance. She was shocked to hear that he opened up to me and how nice he was to me. She ended up hugging me again, and even if I didn't know Gwen that well she was so sweet for being there for me. Gwen had told me about these dreams she gets, and that she saw all the missing boys be taken by a vehicle, she could never tell what color or what kind of vehicle but the grabber would always leave black balloons at the crime scene. Knowing this piece of information was now crucial. I asked if she saw Vance in any of her dreams but she only shook her head no. What if he got taken...Like Griffin, or Billy or Bruce!?!

     I had thanked Gwen and then ran out giving her a hug goodbye. I ran all the way to my house then the direction to where Vance was running away. Turning to where he would usually walk off from at my house. I went farther to find his house, I could tell it was his house because of the bedroom window leading to a room full of metal rock posters and hair spray on the dresser. I thought where else would he go?!? I went beyond his house and there I had seen it. Black Balloons caught on the neighbors fence. My heart broke as I ran to the neighbors house and knocked frantically. I asked the lady to call the police as tears streamed down my face, the sweet old lady asked why but I couldn't explain it to her and just asked her again. The second time she complied and called the police.

I waited there looking at the crime investigation as a blanket was wrapped around me. My tears were streaming from my eyes so hard that it hurt my head so bad. Finding out that Vance had probably been taken or worse was heart breaking. If I had kissed him at that moment or even ran after him, Vance wouldn't be missing! I'm was so stupid, this is all my fault.

     The police didn't question me on how I knew this piece of evidence was the grabber because of how hard I was crying. My dad ended up picking me up from the crime scene taking me home. I cried to my dad about how this was happening, the same night my mom hadn't had come home. I didn't really care about my mom, my dad always says she's my mom and I'll love her no matter what but...how come I missed Vance more then her?

(If you couldn't tell....I have mommy issues 🫣🤭)

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