Plan It Out||20

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(Guys just wanted to say me and my friend are being MOTHER FLIPPING FINNY AND ROBIN. I'm being Robin cause I look like him and my friend being Finny. We pretending that the directors chose the ending where Robin and Finn walk out together. But I wanted to tell you that bc I'm so excited!!! but it's funny cause i'm asian and she has blonde curly your first thought is that we'd be vance and bruce but honestly I love Vance and Robin but I look more like Robin and she loves Finny aka Mason🤭 anyways to the story!!!!!)


     I ended up watching the door for the rest of the night making sure that everyone was ok. I just thought a lot about what was happening. Robin ended up getting up first so we sat there and chatted until the sunrise. I couldn't see the beautiful colors of the sky, it was like only two days and yet felt like an eternity. But I felt so bad for these boys having to be here longer, especially Griffin. He's been here for like four to five months maybe. Even longer probably, no one talks about it really because well like who would want to?

"Y/n." Robin said snapping me out of my train of thought. I looked over to him sitting with his arms resting on his knees.

"Yeah?" I responded sort of quietly. Everyone was asleep except for us so I thought I had to be quiet a bit.

"Do you think we should kill the Grabber?" He asked. I didn't know to be honest. It was something that was brought up to all of us as we were chatting on how to get out of here.

      "Half of me wants to kill him and make him feel pain every way possible, then the other half just wants to escape and let the cops deal with him." I say looking down. I was picking at my fingers because I just didn't know.

      "Either one, this hijo de puta is going down." Robin said as he put his clenched fist up. I was nervous, because we didn't have one plan that everyone agreed on.

     Eventually everyone woke up and we decided to all sit in a circle and discuss what the plan was to escape. Vance made sure I sat close to him, I think it was just validation or something I don't know. Vance just didn't let me out of his sight, it's not a bad thing. Kinda of makes me feel special...?

     "I say we jump the fucker when he least expects it." Vance said. I couldn't say it was a bad plan but I definitely wouldn't define as the most efficient.

     "We all want one thing, and that is to get out of here. He tries to play naughty boy and leaves the door unlocked. What if we pretended someone was unresponsive and we knock him out as soon as he comes down to check on that person. Then we run out and call the police." Griffin said in a cris cross sitting position. That plan wasn't bad either.

      "Where's the justice in that? I want to see him pay." Billy joining in. I haven't heard Billy's opinion on killing the grabber but I definitely knew what his thoughts were now.

     "I mean, aren't we just trying to escape?" Finny asked. Everyone looked over to Finny which made him nervous. The room was silent as we all share awkward glances.

      "Well, we all want to escape but deep down probably everyone wants him to pay instead of being just locked up. Some voice their opinion and then some don't for certain reasons." I say breaking the silence. I could feel their eyes on me as I was looking down when I said that. I glanced up to look at everyone. "No matter what though, it's going to get physical and we need to be prepared."

     Everyone nodded. "There's a crack in the floor which leads to some dirt. I thought I could dig until I got out but realized that I couldn't." Bruce said. I nodded, that could be useful.

     "There's a hidden cord up underneath the cracks of the wall I pulled out." Billy saying, he looked to me and I smiled as he smiled back. I could feel Vance's glare on us.

     "I have my fists." Robin said pounding his fist against his hand. Finny looked to Robin then me, it looked like he was nervous.

     "Um, when the grabber got me I had my rocket ship light that we used to unscrew the back of the fridge with." Finny saying as he pulled the rocket out of his pocket.

     "He uses my bike lock for the door. He also has a dog too. Mean one." Griffin saying lastly. I thought about anything we could do with those things.

     I'm guessing Vance's idea was to break the wall over there. His hands were badly cut so it'd make sense. The whole time Vance just sat there giving mean glances to everyone, his usual.

     "Wait I have a idea." Finny saying as he sat up in a upright position.

     He started to explain how we could do everything everyone wanted. Revenge and to escape. Starting off with the cracked floor Bruce brought up, Finny went on about how we could dig up the hole then using the cord that Billy found to trip the Grabber.

     "But he would see the hole?" Bruce said with a confused look.

     Before Finny could say anything someone had beat him to it. "You can put the shitty carpet over it, the old cunt wouldn't expect a thing." Vance said. I looked at him grinning as he just rolled his eyes. That's probably the nicest way he could've put that.

     Continuing on Finny then brought up what to beat him with. There was a creepy black phone that seemed to not work but Finny would stare at it. I don't really know why but I thought maybe we could use it.

     "How about that black phone? We could cut the wire fill it with dirt to make it hard and compacted." Robin saying as he got up to inspect the phone. It wasn't plugged into anything so we couldn't call anyone. If we could well we wouldn't all be here.

     Everyone agreed to using the phone. Billy had brought up the fact he tore the metal bars from the window. Griffin said that we could place the window bars in the hole so when the Grabber fell down the hole he would be stunned. From that point it was blank.

     "Then we beat him to death and walk out victorious." Vance said and with that, our plan was finished. The only thing was to do now was to prepare and actually to do it.


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