Our Innocence||19

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      Waking up to the slightest movement, I've always been a light sleeper. Blurred eyes soon became clear as I saw Vance sleeping as I found my arms wrapped around his arm. He had shifted himself towards me, I guess he had fell asleep a little bit after me. I slowly disconnected myself from Vance which was so hard. He was basically holding onto me. I looked to see Billy just starring at the door as he looked like was about half asleep. I looked around to see everyone else asleep Robin and Finny were sitting next to each other. They were really best friends, as I looked over to see Griffin in the corner as Bruce was in the other corner.

Walking up to Billy and sitting next to him as he starred at the door sleepily. "Hey." Saying which seemed to wake him up a bit.

"Oh hi." He looked at me with hazy eyes as he just looked back at the door. He was dirty and had cuts on him, some bruises that some seemed to heal and some were raw and new still.

"I'm Y/n. I never got to introduce myself." I say looking at him as he just smiled at me. Billy was someone I never expected to talk to, he was in my grade I think. He delivered news papers and he'd even deliver mine. I was never early enough to get them though.

"I'm Billy." He said putting out his hand. I smiled and shook his hand. I was still sore but that sleep was very much needed.

It was awkward because we haven't really spoken but he just starred at the door sadly. He's been here for like a couple weeks even a month maybe. "You know, your dog waits for you everyday at 5 am waiting for you to start delivering news paper." I knew this fact because it had been circling around. Basically like gossip but it was like mourning gossip?

Billy's face lit up and looked at me. "Really?" He smiled, he was probably thinking about his dog. I heard that was his best friend probably, I mean a dog is a man's best friend.

"Yeah, what's the name?" I asked. I can't imagine how long it's been since he's seen his family. How long it's been for everyone since they seen their family. I haven't even thought about my dad, how he was coping.

"Charlie, he's a golden retriever. I miss him a lot." Billy said looking towards the door his face now gloomy.

"Don't worry, you'll see him soon. I promise." Billy looked at me beaming. "What have you found around this dump?"

Billy looked towards the door then back at me cautiously. "I found a cord, I stuck it up in the wall crack so the Grabber doesn't find it. If he did then..." He looked at me up and down then just looked away. "Sorry I didn't mean to."

"It's ok, I know what you mean." Saying as I looked back at Vance, checking on him. I know he probably doesn't need me checking on him but it just makes me feel better.

"Yeah, but I bet we can figure out something. I mean you'd think it's five against one. Including Vance and Robin like the toughest kids, but he's scary... I mean that stupid mask makes me have chills down my spine that make me wanna cringe at the thought of him." Billy saying as he crawled up into a ball. "He threatens to kill one of us if someone steps out of line. It's scary..." He continued.

"I understand, don't worry we'll figure it out." I say patting his shoulder. He seemed like he needed a hug, I mean when's the last time he's had human comfort. "Do you want a hug by any chance?"

"I haven't had one in a month. I would like that very much." He smiled and I hugged him as he hugged me back. We held that for a couple seconds before disconnecting. I could officially say Billy Showalter was one of my friends now.

"Get some sleep Billy, I'll watch the door." I say sitting in a cris cross position. I think he was to tired to deny but he yawned and nodded his head sleepily making his way to the wall then closing his eyes.

I made sure he was situated alright before looking at Vance. He looked sound asleep right now as I could sense the smile forming on my face. Such a terrible situation to be in but yet this is the closest I've felt to Vance in days. Probably because I haven't seen him in days. I looked back at the door making sure everything was ok. No sight of him yet, hopefully he wouldn't appear. My mind raced with the most random thoughts.

The police said the Grabber was just going after boys. So what do they think happened to me? Is Gwen alright? She's probably going through a shit time, I had just promised her I'd be safe. I broke that promise just as I did with Vance. I sighed, then thought about my dad. They would maybe consider the fact I could've been taken by the Grabber right? Everyone couldn't think that I was just like my mom, going out on drug runs. I hope my dad was ok, I bet he's going through a shit deal right now. I wonder if my mom returned home. Is she safe or did she finally overdose in some alley. It wasn't nice thinking about my mom dying but it wasn't something I shouldn't cross out from my list.

Too much was racing through my mind. I needed to breathe in and out. Once we all get out we could return to our normal lives. I laughed to myself a slow painful laugh as I remembered we'd all have to live through the trauma of knowing what the fuck we've been through. Could we say we're even kids anymore. Even grown ass adults haven't been what we've been through. All of our innocence was gone because of that bastard.

(Just wanted to let you guys know that the golden retriever aka Billy's dog is named after my dog named Charlie. He was a golden retriever as well and was taken from me a couple years back from brain cancer. So the names very sentimental❤️)

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