Fear of the Unknown||4

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     The past week consisted of Vance walking me to school then walking me home then to the Grab n Go as I worked and he played pinball. We got to know each other a lot more. Turns out his mom left when he was young and his dads a total creep. I feel bad for his situation, but he tells me not to pity him because he doesn't need that pity. I've told Vance about my situation with my parents and he didn't really say anything. Instead he just wrapped his arm around me squeezing me. I could tell he was trying his best and I appreciated it. Kisses on the cheek became the daily routine because he asked in a sort of harsh way I suppose?

"So you're just going to give me a kiss one night and not give me one the next?! What kind of shit deal is that?!" He said snarling. I rolled my eyes playfully now kissing him on the cheek.

"Better?" I asked smiling fluttering my eyelashes. He just pushed me away and got all flustered. Vance ended up stomping his way back home from what I saw. I laughed as I watched him leave.

Nights like those were what really made me look forward to the next day. It was like a constant thing that would happen. Vance stopped getting "jealous" of Finny but instead actually saw him as a maybe friend? He would threaten Moose or those three idiots that if they came near Finny or me, he'd bust them up which made Finny and Robins view change on him. In my eyes Vance had always been nice but just misunderstood.

     Another kid was taken by the Grabber, Bruce Yamada. I actually knew Bruce, because of family friends. Our dads went to high school together so we were pushed to be friends, although we hadn't gotten close. I was upset for a bit and Vance noticed it, he taught me how to play pinball and all the tricks he's learned throughout years of playing. I guess that was a big step in our friendship, or whatever this was.

School was boring this day as classes went by so slowly. I was just counting down the seconds until it was time to see Vance. I just got all giddy thinking about him in general, I couldn't tell if this was a crush forming or if this was just normal feelings for a friend. I've noticed that less boys have been talking to me then usual. I usually just flowed around with people just talking to everyone but it seemed like my friendship with some males had gone down ever since Vance had started showing up more around me. At my locker I was grabbing my books for my last class when someone had harshly slammed my locker. I looked to see the culprit was no one other then Moose.

"How could you get with Pinball Vance? I gave you so many chances and this is how you treat me?!" Moose said growling at most. I just starred at him raising my eyebrow.

"First off if you were to at least try to be smart, you wouldn't get Vance pissed and second of all there's a reason I rejected you all those times. I just don't like you." I said smiling then turning around to walk to my next class. Leaving Moose angry like that made me feel like a boss.

Soon class was over and walking out of the school was different this time, Vance stood right there leaning against the bike rack. I went up walking, before I could even greet him I was yanked back by my backpack. I ended up landing straight on my ass, looking up to see Moose and his two little sidekicks. I didn't even think Moose had it coming when Vance pounced onto him kicking the living shit out him. Moose's two friends tried ripping Vance off but he was strapped onto Moose, making him into a bloody mess. I saw teachers talking on their phones and I knew it was time to go.

"Vance! Cops, lets go!" I yelled reaching out my hand for him to grab. This time he took it with his bloodied hands and I gripped tight running with him behind me. I looked back to see Moose unresponsive on the ground as blood spewed out of his nose and mouth. We ran for a bit until I found the entrance to the woods that would lead me and Vance to my house. I tried pulling Vance through but his abrupt stop led me stumbling into him. "What's wrong?" I said turning around as we still held hands.

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