You too?!?||10

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It was evening, I could smell the cold rust of the basement and it made me want to rip all my hair out. Everyone had fallen asleep while I just laid up against the wall. I was the lookout this time, we all set up a system where if we saw the grabber we'd alert everyone to wake up. You never know what kind of shit that creep could pull if we all fell asleep.

     The metal door cranked open and I whistled which ended up waking everyone. "What the hell Vance?" Bruce had said rubbing his eyes then realized he was here. The Grabber entered with his stupid fucking mask as someone was draped over his shoulder. His harsh drop of the boy shocked us all, before anyone could say anything he left. Bruce had gotten up turning the drugged boy over.

     "Arellano?!" I basically yelled seeing him wake up a bit. He was dirty and cut up a little bit.

"Holy shit, Robin too?" Griffin gasped, Billy came over and we all huddled over Robin.

"What the fuck...?" Robin said waking up to look at us all surrounding him. "Shit! I knew I should've went to the Grab n Go instead of that shitty convenient store."

"How'd he get you?" Billy asked, I was only interested in how Y/n was doing. I never stopped thinking about her, I couldn't. My mind only went back to her, when we'd brain storm all I could think about was her. How she was, if she even missed me.

Robin got up in a sitting position and sighed as he looked at the blood on his hands. It looked like he put up a fight, which I didn't expect any less from him. "I was getting snacks for me and Finny so he could tutor me in math. And he just came out of no where."

Bruce ended up telling Robin how it goes down here. Get food once in a while, the grabber tries to make us all fight for food. When I first got here it worked, I ended up beating anyone who tried to go near the platter of food and soda bottle until I realized we all needed the food and energy. Then about night watch duty, also about the things we all found. Griffin had realized the Grabber used his bike lock for the door and when he first got captured he tried to leave, that's when Griffin told us about the naughty boy game. Where he'll leave the door unlocked and if you go up to escape you get beat. I thought I could take him...He uses a belt and that bitch hurts like crazy. It took me a few blows to the face and body to realize it wasn't the way to go.

Billy found a wire that was stuck in between the walls where he could hide it and take it back out while Bruce found out about missing floor panels and digging. Sometimes he would take one of us and basically make us play naughty boy with him. When that person came back they got the mattress just to lay down after what they had to endure.

Bruce, Billy, and Griffin ended up laying off Robin for now because there was only so much information he could handle. Besides he was still trying to wake up from the drugs. I slide up against the wall leaning my head up to look at the light shining through the bar window. Robin slid next to me, sitting up against the wall as well.

"You know she misses you like crazy." Robin was saying as he leaned his head back.

"Who?" I asked. I couldn't tell if I was playing stupid or not. But I was hoping he would say her name. I felt like if I were to I'd start raging with anger or worse. Cry.

"Y/n. She acts so strong for all of us. Finny, Gwen, Me, and when really you can tell she could break down in any moment." Robin said looking at me. I couldn't look at him, I felt a pit of rage at the fact I was the reason she was hurting.

"How is she?" I finally felt the blood boiling cool, as I looked over at him with his knees up.

"Well, she's beat up Moose and skipped school a couple of days." He looked at me chuckling, probably at the memory.

"How come?!" I asked intrigued, my my, the little angel can throw a punch. Then the feeling of knowing that she's handling our disappearances rough is a punch to the gut.

"He was saying shit about you going missing. Which he deserved getting beat, not cool to joke about that stuff." Robin saying nonchalantly. The thought of Y/n fighting Moose makes her a total badass, also hotter then she already was or should I say beautiful? Gorgeous? Pretty? All of those things I could say.

"Don't worry, we'll kick this son of a bitches ass and get back home. Besides she's got Finny." I said gritting through my teeth. I still didn't like the idea of that little twerp being near her, she was so oblivious to the fact he liked her or maybe she just ignored it. Whatever it was I saw it, but right now he's probably what's holding her together.

Robin nodded, "You get some sleep, I'll keep watch." and with that I nodded and closed my eyes.

I was never big on people, always thought they were a waste of time for me. I never gave people the chance to clarify that they were so much more then just being there to have a conversation with you and just move on. She made it possible for me to see people in a different view. Y/n made a big impact on my life, that means I'm going to fucking fight for my life, but for her too.

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