A Fucking Date?!?||13

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     Everyone was talking about ways to escape, I was zoned out not even listening. I couldn't believe I'd ever end up in this situation, I mean I don't think any kid ever imagines themselves being kidnapped. Sadly there's fucking people like this that gets off at the thought of having children in their basement.

     "Vance are you even listening?" Bruce knocks me out of my thoughts. I look to see everyone's starring at me.

     "Of course I'm fucking listening. Instead of paying attention to if I'm listening why don't we actually try to resolve the number one problem." I said pissed off. "Getting the fuck out of here."

     "Well if you were paying attention like you said, you'd know that we all are sharing ideas on what to do." Billy cuts in. The only thing keeping me from beating these assholes up is because someone else already does it for me. Besides we all want out of here.

     "I say we take him down." Robin says. I look to him and smirk.

     "I second that." I smiled wickedly. In no way in hell I'm not leaving before killing that mother fucker. Even if these pussies made it seem like they just wanted to escape, I knew all of them had a little part of them that want to see him suffer.

     "Well we should think of a thorough plan on how to do it." Griffin says now ruining the smile by bringing statistics into this or some bull shit.

     "Griffins right. We can't just jump him." Bruce now backing up Griffins idea.

     "Why the fuck not?" I ask. Simple theres five of us, one of him. It seems like we have it right in the bag.

     "He has weapons obviously, and what if he ends up threatening one of us or worse." For once I couldn't come up with a snarky remark to compete with Griffins sentence because it was true. The possibility of one of us ending up dead if we don't do this correctly is scary.

     "Ok, then let's think this through." Billy now butting in finally saying something.

      We all talk for a while before hearing that metal door crank open. We all stood up getting ready to endure anything given. The Grabber opened the door with a new body slung over his shoulder. Same way with Robin he slumped the boy down. He then quickly shut the door but he was bleeding from his thought. I don't know if anyone noticed it as well.

     Robin went to see who it was and stood dead in his track. His body hovered over the kid so we couldn't see.

     "Move it." I said pushing him to see Finny fucking Blake. What the fuck? "You guys are going to wanna come here." With that they all came over, Bruce looked shocked while Billy and Griffin were just nervous.

     "I can't believe he got Finny too." Robin said clenching his fist. Fucking hell, I was depending on Finny to watch over Y/n. Wait, how the fuck is Y/n now dealing with this. Was she completely alone or was there someone else. Surely she wasn't dealing with this alone now, was she?

      "The Grabber seemed to put a heavy dose on him, he probably will wake up in a bit." Griffin spoke out breaking my train of thought. "Meaning we should put him on the mattress..."

     The Grabber hadn't really be feeding us well and it took me plus Robin to lift him onto the mattress meaning I wasn't getting the correct amount of calories for my body, but I definitely lacked muscle because lack of food and water. This just complicated things for Y/n, why couldn't it fucking been someone she didn't know. For fucks sake I wouldn't mind if it was Moose so that she wouldn't have to deal with the pain of now all of us missing. I knew her and Finny were friends and even if I didn't really like him, I knew he is always there for her.

      We all were talking about who would explain to Finny about what goes on down here. Robin ended up volunteering to do it. Robin and Finny were close to the point some people I knew not friends with would call them gay, which honestly I didn't really care one, and two it's their business really so I wouldn't wanna know anyways. I may be an asshole but not a complete asshole.

      Finny ended up waking up eventually. He definitely got a bigger dose of whatever the Grabber drugged us with. Robin greeted him and they hugged it out before seeing all of us. At this point I was sat up against the wall close enough to hear them talking.

     "How'd you even get here Finn?" Robin asked. Geez it would make sense if everyone would be fucking careful when walking outside due to the rapid disappearances.

     "Well it was after school and I decided that day was the day I told Y/n about my...well...feelings." Finny said quietly but when I heard her name my senses heightened.

      "What fucking feelings Blake?" I spoke up as I shot a glance at him.

      "Not now Vance." Now Robin getting involved. Of course, Robin was there for Finny. That's fine, I don't need anyone there for me.

      "No, I wanna fucking know. What feelings Finny?" I stood up now standing in front of him and Robin.

     Robin tried standing up until Finny stopped him, he got up then stood in front of me. "Well I was going to tell Y/n my feelings and if she accepted then we would go on a date." Finny saying boldly.

      I felt my forehead crease and now everyone was starring, my fist started to clench. Robin really wanted to intervene but Finny stopped him. "A fucking date?!?" I yelled now in a pit of rage. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten as mad as I did but I couldn't help it. Being here plus knowing that Y/n probably feels the same doesn't feel the best.

     "Yes, but when I got to her house I saw a note saying she was visiting Mr. Hopper. Your dad." Finny continued now matching my tone. "If you weren't so concerned about yourself maybe you would've noticed that she likes you dipshit!"

     I felt my face soften. Y/n...liked me? I was taken back. I didn't know what to say, instead I just pushed him then going back to my position sitting up against the wall but instead with my knees in hand. Y/n had liked me back and I was to worried about being rejected to notice that she liked me too...? This feeling was worse then getting punched in the face or even kicked in the balls. Which I have endured cause I pissed off the wrong chick.

     Finny and Robin continued talking but it was quieter now. I could barely hear them talking now. I had completely shut down, maybe if I wasn't so caught up in trying to act like I didn't care that maybe I would've noticed sooner. I've never felt this way before, I couldn't tell if it was the feeling of guilt or anything other then anger. I wasn't mad but I was upset. Which seemed surprising for Vance fucking Hopper not to be mad but instead upset.

     I've never liked someone as much as Y/n. Gosh, when you're Vance Hopper no one wants to fuck with you meaning even potential friendships with people. It was so confusing for these new feelings. But Y/n didn't care who I was even when she thought I was a tall blonde bulky girl who hogged the pinball machine. To be honest I was taken back by it but kinda thought it was cute she didn't think of me like everyone else. But instead she thought I was a bulky girl, well maybe being known as the kid you don't fuck with is better...

     I closed my eyes leaning my head back just thinking until I felt a presence next to me. I opened my eyes and it was Finny. He held out his hand as I guess for a peace offering, I glared at him then at Robin to see him chilling up against the wall minding his business. I looked back to Finny and shook his hand back. I like to think I did it for Y/n.

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