New Book Alert?!?

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     Hey fam! I just wanted to let y'all know if you've been following me from the beginning or at least seen the chapter where I talk about wanting to write about the other black phone characters.

     I just came out with a new book! About Robin Arellano, ahhh yes the awaited one! I hope you find that one as enjoyable as you found this one! And I've been reading a lot and decided to change up a bit so you can find out more about the story between The Pacifist and The Fighter in 'Your Bandana' Of course it will be different and new concepts! I hope y'all enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed making it. Please do check out the new book about Robin if you really liked this one about Vance!

     Still writing this one don't worry it's not the end I just thought I'd let you all know!

     I love you all and thank you so much for all the love and support!❤️❤️

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