I love you||31

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The wind is flowing through my hair as Vance leads me to this unknown destination. Although I know where we are in general, I just don't know where he's leading me.

     "Soooo you gonna tell me where we're going?" I ask innocently as he just looks at me and rolls his eyes.

     "What do you not understand from its a surprise?" He says and I just laugh. I've been laughing a lot with him. It's crazy because I didn't think I could laugh this much after all that's happened.

     "I'm just really really excited!" I exclaim. "Besides I like hints."

"Well boohoo for you then." Vance smirked and continued walking as I walk with him.

We continued walking as I look around, it's normal. The street, the neighborhood what could be the surprise. As we arrive to what appears to be the...Corner store? That my dad owns.

"What are we doing here?" I asked confused, I mean sure I don't mind coming here but he made it seem like we were going somewhere I don't know unexpected?

"Not up to your standards?" Vance looked at me with a chuckle which I frantically shook my head.

"No it's not that, but why exactly are we here?" The question he seems to stray away from because this is Vance who I'm dealing with. Nothing is easy.

"Think about what is important about this place and maybe I'll show you the surprise." Vance said walking up to the side of the store as I walked with him.

"Well...my dad owns it. I work here, and you play pinball here..." Listing all the things I knew about this place exactly. I didn't know what he was getting at with this.

"Ok now start listing things about us." Vance has a smile playing at his lips but not a fully committed smile.

Putting some thought into his question, I look at him and smile. "You taught me how to play Pinball...This is where we first met..." The smile was so bright on my face as I looked at him.

"Wow and I thought we'd be here for ages." He crossed his arms and now smiling at me.

"And this is where I thought you were a bulky blonde girl." Breaking out into laughter as I look at him. He looks taken back from the comment.

"Oh now your getting it." Vance exclaimed as he grabbed me and lifted me up into the air as I squealed. Blissful joy spreads throughout my body as I completely forgotten everything bad that's happened to me and this moment replaces every sad feeling.

Vance puts me down by his arms still wrapped around me as mine are wrapped around his neck. Our eyes connected not straying an inch away. "What? Are we having a starring contest?" I asked giggling.

"What? No." He chuckled and looked at me smiling. "I looking at you as I think of all the reasons I love you."

My mouth hangs open at the comment as he just stares warmly at me. No one could ever say that Vance was a romantic, but I'm glad because he's my very violent romantic.

"I love you too." I smiled leaning in and press my lips against his, kissing him. I can feel the shock from my brave act, but Vance gently gives into the kiss.

We disconnect as we look at each other. I could tell that me and Vance were tied together. I was happy and my life was perfect in this moment of time and I wouldn't let anything ruin it. Because Vance was here, happy, and not trying to murder someone. Although I'm not promising he won't later today, Vance has violent mood swings. But I love that about him. I love everything about him.

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