Her Necklace||15

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      "Hurry up Vance!" Billy yelled as I smashed the toilet tank into the wall. I huffed as I tried slamming it in harder.

      "I fucking know what I'm doing!" I yelled looking back then slamming it into the wall again. Robin, Finny, and Griffin we're all looking out for me as Billy, Bruce, and I took turns banging it into the wall.

      "Anyone coming?" Bruce asked yelling to the lookout team. My hands ached but I had to keep going we all needed to get out or find something that would at least help us.

       "Nope, keep going!" Robin yelled back. I felt the sweat glide down my forehead as I kept slamming the toilet tank into the wall. It was making a big dent so it was working. Hopefully it was a open room or something on the other side.

      "Vance your hands are bleeding, let one of us go." Billy said trying to stop me but I kept going. I want to get the fuck out of here no matter what, so a few cuts on my hand isn't much.

"Don't fucking touch me, I've got it." I glared at him as he stepped back. I continued slamming it in until finally a tiny hole peaked. "Bingo fuckers." I yelled smiling.

"Way to go Vance!" Bruce said patting my shoulder. Bruce was cool I guess, I don't think we would've become friends if we never were in this situation but he was good company.

I took a step back letting Bruce and Billy dig at the wall as I went into the bathroom area washing off my bloodied hands in the tank water. It was fucking gross but the water the grabber gives us every other day isn't much so we all share meaning we all don't really get much. Stepping back to look out at Bruce and Billy digging more.

       "Hey! We need more hands!" Billy yelled, I looked to Robin and took his place. He started helping open up the hole more. I then leaned up against a wall as I looked at the door while Finny and Griffin were talking. Griffin was probably talking about this escape plan he's thought of ever since he's been here and has been adding every day.

     I leaned my head back just trying to numb the pain on my hands. The roughness of the tank top from the toilet was rigid and had a pointy pricks. I shook off the pain looking forward, I didn't know when this mother fucker would come back and we didn't have a plan. Would we drape the carpet over the wall? I couldn't tell, but my thoughts always lead back to one thing. Her.

It was cold down here and I can just always imagine the warmth on her hand on mine or her soft warm kiss on my cheek. It was embedded in my brain on how it felt to be around her, it only made me more willing to escape no matter what. I feel like everyday I got a day without seeing her I get a little more crazy. Even if I don't kill the mother fucker, I can still see her. That's a big step, wanting to escape first instead of wanting to kill the bitch.

Everyday or what I at least think so is another day I would makeup to her. I'd explain myself to Y/n as soon as I could and tell her it wasn't her fault. I huffed in anger as I clenched my fist.

"What the fuck are you little brats doing!?" The Grabber yelled looking at the damage at the wall. Fuck! I wasn't paying attention, I looked over to Finny and Griffin terrified. We all looked mortified even I was scared. I was waiting for something like a gun or a knife or maybe a belt? Nothing he stood there just standing shaking in anger. "You'll regret this you little shits." And with that he took out a necklace that looked tacky. The more I looked at it I realized it was someone in particulars. Y/n. He made a sinister laugh.

"You son of a bitch!!! I'm gonna murder you!" I yelled rushing towards him but before I could get my hands on him he left laughing uncontrollably. "You motherfucker!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Banging and slamming on the door.

      "Y/n..." Finny now noticing the necklace as he looked to Robin. They both shared anxious looks. I kept banging and pounding my fists on the door. How the hell did he have her necklace, if that fucker lays a hand on her.

      "If you touch her, you're dead mother fucker! You fucking cuntwad!!!" Continuing to yell. Fuck how did he know Y/n? Please don't hurt her please.

      At this point everyone was just starring at me confused. I felt their stares on the back of my head. "If you bitches keep starring at me, I'll go after you once I'm done with that fucker." I said pointing at the door. It took a while for me to calm my anger, I decided I would take it out on something else. I walked over to the hole starring at how little progress Billy and Bruce could make.

      I could hear them gather around talking about what just happened. I started tearing at the wall with my hands. The more power I used against the wall the more blood that came out. I started to bleed badly as blood and sweat mixed together as I bludgeoned the wall. Kicking and punching at the wall desperate to make the hole bigger or something. Fuck, I need to make sure she's ok. She had to be ok why wouldn't she be. She kept her promise by not walking home alone right? Right!?! Finally the hole was big enough to see something blocking it. It was a type of vent, but I wasn't sure.

      Slowly people started gathering behind me taking a look at the work I had done. Blood was splattered all around the hole with dirty pieces of debris with blood mixed with dust. I looked down at my hands but I couldn't feel nothing. There was no pain in my hands. My mind had completely went to her. I moved away and went to the far side of the room as they inspected the hole. I bent down on my knees and had put my hands together in a praying position.

      God if anything happens to Y/n I will personally kill my self, and from Hell I will start to climb and then break into Heaven and kill you with my bare hands. For the first time I felt a tear slide down my face. I should've paid attention to the door, fuck and now Y/n could be in so much danger. I fucked up. I haven't felt tears go down my face in so long, I hid my face so they couldn't see but honestly I didn't care.

      Y/n may get hurt because of a mistake I made.  I will slit the mother fuckers throat and hand feed him his own intestines if he does. Trust me, he may be the Grabber but I'm Vance fucking Hopper. No one fucks with me or the people I love.

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