Troubles Await||9

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     After that whole experience, we ended up going to Finny and Gwen's house bandaging me. We ended up chilling a bit but me and Robin had to get out before their dad came home. They were  really worried about us bumping into their dad, I didn't question it and neither did Robin. Me and Robin ended up walking and talking before disconnecting to go home.

     That night my mom didn't come home again. It was concerning but she'd always go on trips that lasted 3-5 days of her going incognito before coming back high as a fly as my father argued with her about what happened. I don't know why he stays with her but I guess he feels bad if he doesn't, which my mom takes advantage of.

     I did my normal night routine, eat dinner, take a shower, and pray to the lord that Vance was safe. Gwen had prayed to God whenever she was in doubt, so me getting into this religion stuff is kind of like my cry for help. It hasn't been working so well since Vance and the missing boys haven't been found. I laid in bed that night mostly overthinking about Vance and crying. I really missed him, and his stupid anger issues. If he ever heard me say that I think he would literally go off on me. Eventually I fell asleep though at 3 in the morning.

     I skipped school for the next two days thinking nothing of it, feeling like I couldn't show my face after what had happened with that fight with Moose. I was ashamed for resorting to violence as a way to relieve myself of all this shit that has been happening to me. Even though Moose was a prick still doesn't give me an excuse for me just to beat him down like that, even though it felt good.

     It was eight and my dad hadn't come home yet, it was pouring outside. Rain drops slammed against the window as I watched television in the living room. The phone rang as I was finishing up a TV show and I ran up to the phone, picking it up.

     "Hello?" I answered. It took a while for someone to respond.

     "Is this Mr. Y/l/n?" The person on the other side said.

     "Uh, not at the moment. Why?" I asked. What is going on? Did the police figure out that I beat Moose up and now was looking for me?

     "This is Denver police station we were wondering if you have seen a boy. His names Robin Arellano. Have you seen him by any chance?" The person on the other line said. My heart began beating almost pounding out of my chest. My breathing had become harder.

    "No, why? Did something happen to him?!" I basically yelled nervously into the phone.

    "Robin Arellano didn't return home and has been missing for a couple of hours. If you see him, please give us a call. His parents are deeply worried." The line ended as I leaned against the wall sliding down. Holy shit. Are you fucking serious?? Not Robin too.

     I frantically dialed Finney's house phone. It was their dad on the phone so I asked for Finny, but instead Gwen just replied.

     "We just heard the news Y/n as well." Gwen said on the phone as I started tearing up.

     "Where's Finny?" I questioned wiping my tears. I couldn't believe Vance had gone missing but now Robin. This has gotten worse now, I finally got close to someone once, he gets ripped away. Second it happens then he gets ripped away.

     "He's in his room, he's taking it really hard." I could feel Gwen getting upset from her brothers pain. "I have to go Y/n, my dad wants me in bed."

     "Of course, I'll visit see you tomorrow. Goodnight." Gwen wished me a goodnight and the call ended.

      Why was this happening, was this my doing by any chance. Am I just this bad luck charm that everyone that comes into my life is just taken away. Poor Robin, he was like a little brother to me. It was probably the old fucking grabber creepy again. It was now 5 boys that the Grabber had taken.

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