Deep Laceration's||16

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(Warning Very Detailed Violence⚠️)

      Waking up, my eyes still a blur. I feel my hands touch a soft ground realizing it's dirt. Blinking my eyes rapidly to finally regain consciousness I get up in a sitting position and turned over to see a figure starring at me. I jolted up in a sitting position scooting back. My eyes saw clearly it was a man in a horrendous mask.

      "Morning, I enjoyed watching you sleep. You looked so peaceful." He said in a creepy voice. I felt shivers down my spine from being so scared. "I wish I could sleep that well-"

       "What do you want." I demanded, I think I was a bit to bold about this but what the fuck. Was this the Grabber? I didn't even know what the Grabber looked like.

      "Well, I was hoping to have a peaceful conversation but if you want to get down into business we can." He did a creepy giggle. I looked around to find myself in a basement alone with a dirt ground. "Well my boys have been naughty so they appear to know you. So I'm going to make sure they understand their lesson!" He said happily standing up.

      "Stay away from me." I said bouncing up onto my feet. He started walking towards me as I slowly stepped back.

      "You know the blonde one gets on my nerves, I think about just killing him off but it wouldn't make the Naughty Boy Game fun." He said stopping abruptly. Tears falling down my face, he was indeed the Grabber and he was talking about Vance.

     "No...!" I yelled now tears streaming down my face. I didn't want to hear about him wanting to murder the very boy I was trying so hard to stay strong for.

      "You know, Naughty boys need to learn a lesson but they don't get the belt this time." He said now taking off his belt around his pants. "You do." He said pointing the folded belt towards me. I backed up falling into a hole.

       I looked realizing I fell in a hole that was wide and long enough for a body to fit in. My stomach knotted and my brain told me to look around but my eyes tried to deny that they could even see. Finally I looked around to see seven holes dug up ready for a body dumping. I started yelling now as I cried.

      "No one's going to hear you sweetie. It's just you and me." He laughed now gripping my hair ripping me from out of the hole.

      He threw me onto the ground, I tried crawling away to get up but he grabbed my leg pulling me onto my stomach. I screamed and yelled as tears poured from my eyes. Was I going to die? Die before graduating high school, die before living my life?!? He pinned me onto the ground turning me around. Gripping his belt tightly he went to swing and my instinct was to cover my face with my arms. He continuously started hitting me with a belt as I tried covering my face or my body from getting badly bruised. Every hit stung and I cried as he did it. The grabber ripped my arms then slapped my face with the belt, my tears sprung from my eyes as my face burned from the slap. He continuously hit my face, neck, and basically anything he could hit.

      "Stop it!!! Please stop, it burns!!!" I screamed tears falling from my eyes yelling from the top of my lungs. "Get away from me!" I yelled crying as he continuously beat me. Slaps turned into scarring and deep blue bruises. He slapped me on my eye which ended up being blurred. I screamed in pain for him to stop but he didn't. He never. Fucking. Stopped.

      "Naughty Boys get punishments and sometimes innocent people get pulled into it on accident. I'm sure you're not a Naughty girl like my boys." He said in sing song tune. I cried and screamed trying to get him off of me.

       It felt like the beating would never stop as my blood mixed with dirt as my tears mixed with blood. Deep lacerations forms everyone on my body as my clothes were shredded from the quick hits. "Please...stop..I'm begging you." I said weakly as tears streamed out of my eyes. The beatings had made me weak and I couldn't even keep fighting back before my whole body hurt.

       Finally for what felt like ages, I felt my blood drain slowly out of the bruises from the belt. "You look so pretty like this." He said giggling and then went out of the door not locking it. "Also, if you decide to run out just know that the cops will find their dead bodies before you can even reach the neighbors house. Have a nice night!"

      Laying on the dirt floor blood spewing out of my mouth from the multiple hits from the belt. Every inch of my skin was burning and my eye that was hit felt so sore that I couldn't open it. I cried quietly laying huddled up into a ball as I heard drops of my own blood fall onto the ground. What did the boys do that was so bad that made him do this to me. Everything was sore, and my everything ached.

      God, what did I do to deserve this? I couldn't move, it all hurt to much, lacerations on every part of my skin. I had to spit out blood because of how much would build up in my mouth. I couldn't believe I was in the very basement where he would eventually dump my body and the rest of the boys as well. I smiled to myself knowing that Vance and everyone was still alive, I don't know how their conditions were right now but it was probably sure as hell better than mine.

      "Dear heavenly father, please give me the strength to-" before I could finished I whined in pain. I cried out and tried my hardest to breathe in and out.

       Soon it was all beginning to haze. I couldn't tell if it was from blood loss or exhaustion. But hopefully I would wake up in a better place then this.

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