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     Waking up and getting dressed were apart of my daily routine. I had to wear my cheer outfit on certain days because of spirit days for my school. So today was one of those days, wearing my cheer uniform while putting a ribbon in my hair(whatever style you want). Done doing everything possible to make it look like I wasn't crying the night before. When Vance had walked me home, an hour passed and then my parents started yelling. It was hard to sleep that night so I had to cover my dark eye bags with anything I had.

     Walking into the living room which was connected to the kitchen was my dad preparing a single serving while my mother was probably showering getting ready to get money for god knows what. My dad just sighed smiling happy at me.

     "You look amazing Y/N..." my dad said smiling at me. In his eyes I looked like my mom when she was younger and when she wasn't as messed up as she was.

     Eating quickly I grabbed my bag and kissed my father goodbye as I rushed out the door. I started walking towards the school which was a decent distance from my house. Walking I felt as if I was being watched yet again until someone from behind me had spooked me. Turning around I was shocked to see Vance behind me.

     "You should've seen your face! You looked fucking terrified!" He said chuckling now standing beside me.

     "Yeah well how would you react if someone scared you!?" I said continuing to walk. I wasn't friends with Vance but it was starting to feel that way.

     "Well simple answer. I don't get scared" He said smirking now walking beside me. I rolled my eyes and he huffed at it. I didn't really care to be honest.

     "I hope you know we're going to school." I heard from people that Vance normally skipped school and wasn't the biggest fan of it. So I thought maybe I should warn him about it.

     "Of course I fucking know we're heading towards the school. I'm not a stupid cunt!" He yelled at me. I wasn't taken back from it, I was...- neutral.

      "Fine, just letting you know." Walking on with Vance we just started talking about usual things like music or favorite snacks. I couldn't tell if this was his way of trying to get to know me or into my pants.

     We kept walking until we were at the school. I could feel that everyone had their eyes on us as we walked into the school. Vance had walked me to my locker and I couldn't help but turn around to find him close to me. I nervously looked up at him and then at everyone else. He huffed and began walking away, was he not staying for school?

     "Wait Vance!" I said grabbing his hand. He looked back at me and looked at our hands entwined. He shook off the hand and then waited for me finish what I was saying. "Aren't you staying for class?"

     "You thought me walking you to school would mean me going to class?!" He laughed then walked out of the school with both his middle fingers raised at the people starring. I giggled at his action and looked around to everyone now just going back to their usual things. Vance had a bigger impact on everyone then I thought he did.

     I went back to my locker switching out my things for my first class. Soon I was going through classes like nothing. I talked to people but some of my usual friends or should I even say randoms would be to scared to talk to me. I kept getting starred at by this one guy in my english class. I got confused until I had run into Finny in my science class. Finny was rather smart for his age so he got moved up in science and he was my lab partner so it was even better.

     "Pinball Vance walked you to school!??" He said quickly sitting down next to me. I looked at him confused on why he was so shocked from it.

     "Yeah...what about it?" Getting out my binder and opening it to last nights homework which I ended up doing it at the grab n go.

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