Different View||7

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     Banging on the metal door in front of me was frustrating. Every hit turned into a punch and every punch turned into a kick on this fucking stupid metal door. Every word turned into yelling my ass off.

     "Vance, the guy said it was sound proof. You've been hitting at that door for hours, without luck. Don't you think it's time to quit it?" Billy had said behind me.

     "You can't tell me what the fuck I can and cannot do." I said turning around pissed. "I may be hitting this shitty door but it's better then sitting on my ass and doing nothing!"

     "He wasn't telling you not to, it's just...it's obviously not working." Griffin had said quietly. I stomped over to him.

     "You wanna fucking say that again pip squeak?" I said now hovering over the boy sitting down on the dirty mattress.

     "Now knock it off guys! Fighting isn't going to do anything." Bruce had said finally getting off from leaning on the wall pushing me away from the kid.

     "You fuckers act like you don't want to get out!" I said angrily. "You've all been here longer! You should know what to fucking do." It has been 3 days in this hell hole after that whole incident with Y/n.

     "We all want to get out! It's just maybe banging on the door and waiting to kick the old man's ass isn't the best way to go about it?!" Billy said rushing towards me and Bruce.

     I rolled my eyes knowing he was right. I just..couldn't handle the fact that I left unfinished business with her. I should've listened to her when she tried to yell for me, and if I stayed I probably wouldn't be in this fucking hell hole. I still couldn't believe how I got taken.

     Embarrassed from Y/n turning her face from me made me fucking question everything. Did I not make it clear that I liked her, did I take her intentions the wrong way? Why the fuck did I even care, it's not like I couldn't get any fucking girl I wanted. Running out of her house as I heard her call my name but I had come to the conclusion that I didn't need her. I could just get with some over girl, but that girl wouldn't be Y/n. I ended up walking a bit past my house until a guy dropping his groceries as his black van was parked. Fucking hell it was creepy, but I wasn't scared for shits. He ended up being a magician at least I thought so, I thought I could take him if anything happened but he was a grown ass man. Even if I'm tough, that doesn't mean I felt scared. It's a terrible feeling. He ended up drugging me and I woke up in this cold basement to find the missing boys all dirty and with cuts and bruises.

    Found out I was grabbed by the Grabber. I was shocked that they weren't dead but so were they. Those boys couldn't believe that I got taken by the Grabber, does no one realize I'm just fucking 16 and he's an old creepy white guy? Of course if I go up against him I'm going to be scared shitless. But would I let them know that, no.

     As they talked about the things they found all I could think about was her. I missed her pretty eyes and her pearly white teeth as she smiled. Missed her laugh and just her face in general. Especially all of her, she was smoking hot as well but I guess her qualities overtake her looks. Even if she is really hot. I wish I would've just stayed not because I probably would've been ended up here, it was because now I'd probably die never knowing what she was going to say.

(Hoped you liked this chapter, decided to switch it up! Please comment anything or suggestions I should do because I love interacting with people that love the same things as me <3)

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