No Man Left Behind||26

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     "What?!?" I yell standing up. Was he out of his mind? Did he think I would leave him, let alone the rest of us would too?!? He just looked at me as if he didn't want to admit it.

     "Y/n-" He tried to say but I immediately cut him off. What the hell was he thinking?!

     "Are you crazy? Did cutting your hair actually make you lose brain cells?!?" I continue to yell at him as he just looked away.

     My yelling had caught the others attention as I looked at him completely in disbelief. Did he actually think I would leave him? Seriously?!?

     "What's going on?" Bruce asked as everyone started to gather around as I stood there with my mouth still hung open.

     "Seriously what happened?" Robin also asked as I looked over t0 them about to yap my mouth until Vance stood up and pulled me into him.

     "It's nothing fuck off." Vance says as he tries to shoo them away. What the actual hell was he thinking

     "No!" I yell trying to get away but his hold is tight, like he didn't want to bear having to face me as I said the truth.

     "I'm just saying. If there were anything to go wrong, take your chance and leave. Including if it was only me left behind." Vance said calmly as my face cracked from acceptance in his voice.

     "Dude, no way!" Bruce exclaimed. As others started to get worked up from Vance's statement.

     "Vance, we're all getting out of here including you." Finny said as I nodded briefly as Vance threw his hands up in the air unwillingly.

     "I'm just fucking saying! If...if things turn out wrong and this shit doesn't work. I plan on killing the bastard." Vance yelled as he took out the pocket knife he always carried around. I didn't even know he had that still.

     "What the actual hell Vance!? You had that the whole time???" Billy exclaimed with fear in his eyes. "Do you know what the Grabber would do if he found out you had that??"

     "Well that's why I keep it hidden dipshit." Vance replied sliding it into his back pocket. This whole situation has gotten much more complex that I imagined it would be.

     "What we're you planning on doing huh? Just stab the Grabber and game over?" Robin now said crossing his arms with a questioned expression.

     "Besides this stupid plan, if it didn't work out I would've tackled him. That gives you all the opportunity to run and hopefully I stab his eyeballs out or something else happens. I didn't think much of it." Vance replied.

     "You were going to sacrifice yourself...?" Griffin said quietly. The room quieted and slowly Vance nodded.

     "You asshole!" I walked up into his face. "You were planning this all along knowing of the consequences?!? Have you lost your mind?" I scolded. It came out a lot more meaner then I had wanted it to, Vance's face grew cold and his features sharpened. I took a few breaths before continuing. "Vance, you getting out of here is as important as us getting out of here."

     "As much as it warms my cold heart." He took this time and tried to say the next part. "I've done some shit man. Way worse then any of you, no one would miss me." I couldn't believe my ears.

     I felt like my tears were lodged in my throat instead of coming out of my eyes. "Vance, you are so much more then the petty crimes that you may have done. Like when you've saved my ass from Moose.

    "Yeah man, you need to make it out too. Who would fill the principals car up with that bee hive?" Bruce added comically. Trying to lighten the situation.

     "Or be the raining champion of the pinball machine?" Finny added. Everyone was now pitching in things.

     "Who would be the one to mix up the books in the library just to piss of the librarian." Griffin had spoken up. Laughing and what I'm guessing is the memory that replayed in his head.

     "Remember that one time as I was passing out papers, and this guy pushed me over on my bike? You ended up throwing a newspaper at the back of his head." Billy smiled at the fond memory.

     "Who would beat up Moose when if I weren't there?" Robin said cooly as the thought of Moose on his ass with a black eye, I stifled a laugh.

     "The reason being is Vance, without you life would suck and be boring. So you add the spice in it." I smiled.

     For once I could see Vance relax and smile just a bit before covering it up. If they were to pay attention they could tell, and they did. Non of them made a comment on the little smile that danced upon his face.

     "Alrighty fuckers you've convinced me not to. Now go away." Vance shooed them off as they all laughed and went on their way.

     Me and Vance ended up sitting down in our corner, I started applying dashes of the mixture onto his face. I made sure that the freckles I added looked real enough but to the point where you can see them as well.

     "Y/n." He once said again as I finished the freckles. He looked now definitely fit for the part.

     "Yes Vance?" I replied moving beside him setting the mixture down. I relaxed as I sat next to him.

     He looked down at me as I starred back at him. "Once we get out of here, wanna go on a date?" He boldly asked.

     I couldn't stop the smile forming. His state of mind had completely changed from the conversation bringing back his brave self. "Vance, I would love too."

     "Good because I would've forced you anyways Angel." He said smirking as I just laughed at his words. I relax my head on his shoulder hugging his arm, as the anxiety fills my lower stomach.

     Tomorrow would be the day the plan would go through and I was nervous as my stomach started to hurt. Like when you get anxious about something or just feel like something is gonna happen. I think Vance could tell I was getting worked as I realized I was squeezing his arm. He didn't say anything but just laid a kiss on my forehead as he relaxed his head onto mine.

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