Axe To The Head||21

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The plan was finished. Next step was to prepare for it. I haven't mentally prepared myself but I knew that I had to.

We all had our different parts. Bruce and Vance were digging the dirt out while Griffin, Finny, and Robin were getting the wire ready.Billy's job was to basically grab the dirt then flush the dirt down the toilet. Lastly I was on lookout and also getting the phone ready. They wouldn't let me help out because of what happened to me. I still had bruises and scars. But most of it had healed. Just sore in some areas but that's all.

      Vance had his eye on me always. I could feel his stare sometimes and at times it'd make me feel safe and then other times it would make me think he had a starring problem. I don't think he ever caught on with the fact I would catch him starring. One time when we weren't in this hell hole  I did and he got all nervous. I thought it was cute.

     I just kept looking at the door. The door was slightly creaked so I could hear anything. If I were to hear footsteps or the slightest movement I would yell rocket. Finny came up with it because no body else could think of anything. All Vance would come up with were curse words, it's probably the only words in his dictionary.

     Filling the phone with dirt after taking it apart I placed it back onto the wall and then walked over to the door looking through the slit. Nothing. I looked over to see the hole semi deep. The same pattern, Vance and Bruce scooping while Billy got piles of dirt throwing it out. I looked over to Robin getting the carpet out and Griffin and Finny messing with the wire.

     I just sat near the door at the crack. I didn't want to risk anything. It wasn't until I heard the slightest noise of the top stairs. I yelled Rocket. Immediately we all jumped up covering the hole shoving the iron bars and wire in the hole as we rushed to cover it with the carpet. The steps were repeatedly getting louder. We all jumped into a sitting position near the mattress. Vance sat next to me and I looked at him nervously. What if the Grabber sees right through us? What if he finds out, what would happen to us? I think he could tell I was nervous and grabbed my hand squeezing it. I gulped and we all looked back to see the door open.

     I was ready for the worst until it wasn't the Grabber. It looked like an ordinary man.

     "I knew it! I solved it! Wow..." The man looked around almost looking like he admired the place.

      Finny immediately got up. "Please call for help, he's going to come back soon!" He yelled. There was a hint of hope. We all stood up as me and Vance were still holding hands.

     "Of course let me just-" Before the man could finish an axe went straight into his head. Finny jumped back as I screamed. Vance grabbed me pulling me back away further from the scene. The blood started gushing down his body as the life of this man soon vanished. Behind, the Grabber stood with a bloodied mask. The man fell with the axe still in his head. I think I was going to get sick as the Grabber ripped the axe out of his head.

     "My Max didn't deserve this but I couldn't let him take my naughty children away." The Grabber smiled as he dragged the dead body and the axe slowly out of the basement. Blood trailed after in which I gagged. My stomach felt like it was churning. Everyone was mortified. "Be good my sweet children." He laughed then slammed the door shut. I could just imagine tithe sound of the thump of the dead body going up the stairs.

     "Fuck!!!" Robin yelled frustrated. He covered his mouth in disgust as Finny started to tear up walking to the corner as Robin followed behind. Bruce, Billy, and Griffin almost looking used to failure sat down. They were freaked out.

     I rushed to the toilet as Vance followed quickly behind me. Before I knew it I was leaning over the toilet spewing my guts. Vance held my hair back and soothed his hand on my back.

     "It's ok Angel. Get it all out." He said as he patted my back as he held my hair. I started crying and throwing up. It doesn't compare to any horror film.

      What felt like an eternity of throwing up me and Vance sat up against the corner where everyone else was on the other side of the room. He held me as he wiped my tears from my puffy eyes. I know I wasn't going to be the same but I had to make sure Vance was ok even if he looked fine physically.

     "Are you ok?" I asked. I didn't even think about how Vance was feeling. I didn't think he would tell me much.

     "I've seen my fair share of blood and gore. But...Nothing beats that." He said looking at me blinking a couple of times. It traumatized everyone.

     "It's nothing like the movies at all." I said trying to see some light in the situation when really there was none.

     "I'm just happy it wasn't one of us." He said starring at me.

     We probably sat like this for a while, him up against the wall as I laid back on his chest. He held onto me really tightly, I think the situation still has all of spooked. It just made it really clear that from here on its only going to get worse. Which is why now it's obvious we need to get out sooner then planned.

(Hey Guys! Sorry I haven't posted in like a week, I seriously need to get my shit together because I've just been busy. Which is not fair to you guys buttttttt I promise I'm trying to get back on schedule and I will finish this book!!! And then start on a Robin one 😏. But thank you guys for all your funny comments and love and support! Cya next chapter 😁)

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