I Swear||27

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*Warning graphic content ahead*

     I've always been the patient type, never too impatient but in this type of situation. It was nerve wracking. I couldn't help but think about all the possibilities that could go wrong. Vance was all dolled up looking like Jack. God, if you hear me please make this work out.

I twirl the pocket knife Vance had given me in my hand. He said to use it when I needed to protect myself.

     "Ok Vance. You understand what to do right?" Finney asks as Vance adjusts his shirt, he had to take off his vest which he gave it to me to hold onto. He kinda said it was his good luck charm for me but then continued to threaten me if I messed it up.

     "Of course I fucking do. I'm not stupid." Vance scowled out but even I heard the slight tremble from his voice.

     "Alright we'll cover the window from any light source so that he can't see us." Bruce adds as he gets a piece of carpet ready to cover up the window so that it won't shed any light.

     "Robin, Bruce, and Billy stand in your corners and make sure to stay hidden. Y/n and Griffin just stay in the back. I'll take the corner behind the hole so that he can fall in if we lure him." Finny says aloud. It was decided I'd stay with Griffin because his anxiety has been through the roof. He's been here the longest and so he's desperate to get out of here which only heightens his nerves.

"You got it." I nod and grab a hold of Griffins hand. Vance stiffens a bit but Griffin savors the feeling of comfort. I give Vance a comforting smile and he gets back into his usual tense stance. Griffin was 2 years younger then most of us. Me, Billy, Bruce and Vance were sophomores while Robin and Finny were freshman. Griffin was still in 8th grade and missed a lot of it.

"Ok everyone this is it. All or nothing." Finny adds. Everyone starts looking at each other.

"Can we all...can we all just to a group prayer? Even if you aren't religious...Just this once?" I ask. Everyone nods and we all rush into a circle hugging onto each other huddling against each other. Vance is on my right as Finny on my left.

"Guys before we do this...I love you all like family." Bruce abruptly says. A tear slipping down his face, never had I seen him cry since he was here. But once in a while I would hear the silent sobs of everyone.

"Yeah, you guys are familia to me now." Robin adds a grin tugging at the side of his mouth. Everyone had silently agreed with Robin.

"Ok start your prayers Y/n, I don't need to see these fuckers start sobbing yet. Not until we kill the bastard." Vance commanded. Everyone had laughed at Vance's comment.

"Ok, dear heavenly father. Please give us the strength to make it out. Bless us all and let us all get out of here safe, and I'm sorry for the language but the motherfucker is going down today." I say lastly before we all say Amen.

Now we were all getting in position readying for what's to come. Finny and Bruce would bang on the door and go back to their spots. Billy has been tracking the times when the Grabber would come down and exactly what time of day. So there's a definite chance he should hear the banging.

I take a deep breath in and Griffin squeezes my hand. The priority was getting Griffin out first since he was the youngest and then the rest would unravel.

Finny and Bruce banged on the door loudly, the room was sound proof but the Grabber would be sure to hear the banging on the metal door. It takes a couple of minutes before the door swings open. I glance at the light intruding in, as Vance stays tense his head facing down as he looks like the boy the Grabber once knew.

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