A Dark Request||25

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     "Pfttt." Billy stood trying to muffle the laugh. I stood there with my arms crossed as I morned my hair.

     "Come on, it's not that bad. It actually looks good Vance!" Bruce said giving the thumbs up and smiling. Did it make me feel better. No. Everyone just kinda looked at me. Did my hair really make me look that different???

     "Any one of you makes another comment about this hair. I'll get you before the grabber does." I threatened and everyone shut their mouths as Y/n nudged my arm. I'm guessing she didn't like what I said, but I have a right. I looked like I looked fucking stupid.

     "What does he need to do next Finny?" Y/n asked as she stood there.

     Finny had said something but all I thought about was Y/n. I mean I know romantic feelings are here but is it only because it's a comfort in this hell hole? I mean what happens when we get out? Will we go onto being friends or pretending not to know each other at all? It wasn't until my thoughts were paused from someone trying to tell me something.

     "Vance did you hear that?" Y/n said. I blinked and looked around.

     "Nope. Repeat it again." I said as Y/n rolled her eyes. I nudged her a bit, thinking she could get away with rolling her eyes at me unnoticed.

     "Well, we need to add freckles and which I don't know how we're gonna get fake freckles on you. And we need to tie your hair into a low ponytail." Finn had added. Great now I was gonna look like a girl getting ready to go to church on a Sunday morning.

      "How are we gonna get freckles on him?" Bruce added. Yeah, how are we going to do that?

     "Mix dirt with water and make a mixture, add more water to make it lighter add more dirt to make it darker." Griffin replied.

      "What, so a mud facial? You might as well add fucking cucumbers while we're at it" I had scoffed out. Y/n just starred at me with an annoyed look. "Sorry was my sarcasm not appreciated?" I said with a grin.

     "Not when we're on our death beds." Y/n answered. "Look let's try Griffins idea for freckles and we can use my hair tie." I noticed a while back that Y/n always carried a hair tie on her but never really used it. I guess this is the one time it would be of use.

     "Ok so we have everything ready we just have to make sure to plan out how it should go down." Finn announced. Great is this the new act of Vance looks like dead boy to lure killer into trap? Because it seems like a fucking shit show.

     "Ok, how about this. You dumbasses create a 'script' for me to follow while Y/n just finishes my look? Simple great let's do it." I said replying as I took Y/n's hand dragging her away to our usual spot in the corner.

      "I would tell you to be nicer, but you've had a long day." Y/n quirks a brow then grabs some dirt and water. I try not to think where she's getting the water but I know where it's coming from. The toilet.

     "Thanks for you generosity." I said huffing as I lay my back against the wall and slide into a sitting position.

     Y/n comes back with the concoction as she tries getting it as smoothed out as she can. The same thought pulls out what could be once we get out of here. I know we're getting out of here, we have too.

     "Y/n." I say as she's trying to get all the clumps out of the dirt mixture.

     "Yes Vance?" She replies looking up, I swear she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. The way her hair looks soft even if she hasn't brushed it out. Or the way her features still glisten with all the dirt and bruises. Fuck, what am I even say. I think all these things but yet I'd never be able to say it out loud. "Vance, you ok?" She says as I get snapped back into reality.

     "Yeah, I am. I'm going to be completely honest Y/n, and I need you to agree to it no matter what and stick to it." I said as I looked straight into her eyes. She nodded her head but that's not enough, "I need a verbal response."

     "I swear Vance, whatever it is." I know she's going to go berserker on me once I tell her this, but it needs to be said.

     "If you have a chance to run, and if it doesn't look like I can get out too. Leave. Run and don't look back."

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