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     Hope was a funny word. Yet I still held onto it like the only thing that was keeping me alive. But it wasn't the only thing keeping me alive. I had people here with me in the basement that went through so much worse.

     Standing up from the mattress breaking the silence. Everyone was just doing their own thing and I had grown sick of waiting.

     "We need to think of something to get out of here. I cant stand it and I bet you guys can't either."

     "Yeah and how are we going to do that? I mean he doesn't even come down here to feed us. He only throws a bottle of water and that's it." Bruce says as he stood. It's true ever since that mess up with the axe he's been very careful.

     "We've been back and forth about ideas. There are to many that could go wrong." Griffin sighed out.

     "Yet you fuckers would rather stay here then escape trying." Vance hopped in with a snarl on his face.

     "Guys we have valuable information, Finny can talk to the dead!" Robin hopped in as Finny just starred looking down.

     "Yeah and what good does it do us when his little ghost friends barely come out." Vance hissed out.

     "Better then just attacking him without putting any thought in it." Billy added.

     "Yet it's still a plan then nothing!" Bruce replied. Everyone now started back and forth. I looked towards Finny just walking slowly to the phone.

     I snuck away from the ongoing discussion to go see what was going on. Finny has just answered the phone mumbling into it as I stood up against the wall. I continued to listen in on everyone arguing about what to do. Like that would help.

"He keeps speaking to me." Finny said disconnecting my intense stare at the group. I looked to him leaning up against the wall now as I was.

"Jack?" I asked. Finny just nodded. "You said that the Grabber grew an emotional attachment to him?" I continued.

"Yeah, and I think we could use it to our advantage. But I don't know how." Finny mumbled.

"Do you think he would believe in possession." I sadly laughed out.

Finny looked at me like a light bulb had just went off in his head. I looked to him, "Actually..."

"Finny your crazy if you think you could fool him into thinking you were possessed." I added. It was a very risky move and honestly not worth it.

"Not me." Finny said then pointed to Vance. I looked at him quizzically.

"Why Vance? I asked. Out of all people, Vance?

"If we cut his hair a little bit and gave him freckles he would look like Jack." Finny exclaimed and then it caught the arguing groups attention.

"Oh dear..." I mumbled out as Finny stood up as if he just solved world hunger or global warming.

"Look, I know guys this might seem a little out of way but I think I found a way out." Finny said as everyone just looked at him. "Possession."

"Are you serious..?" Billy asked as if he was actually questioning him. To be honest I was too.

"Look, we could fool the Grabber by tricking him into thinking one of us is possessed by Jack." Finny explained.

"I'm sorry but this sounds like the stupidest idea ever. How did it even come to this?" Bruce added.

"Can it be anyone or does it have to be someone specific for this possession act?" Robin asked crossing his arms.

"You can't seriously be asking that Robin." Griffin added.

"Look, Finny's a smart guy. Whatever Finny suggests I'll be damn glad to go with if it means breaking out of here." Robin answered. Finny and Robins friendship was definitely what got them through this experience.

Soon everyone just stood silent. Knowing what was about to come I had to make sure that everyone was going to stick with the plan. "Everyone take a swear that no matter what this plan is, it's whats going to get us out. And no one can say no." Vance was going to be so pissed off at me for this.

"Alright I swear it." Vance saying immediately after. Everyone else has sweared and next was the big news Finny had to share.

"So it does have to be someone specific and...Please take this as seriously as possible but Jack had medium length blonde hair that he kept in a low pony with blue eyes. And a bulky build." Just with that description Finny explained we all looked at one person.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Vance said.

(Hi friends, yes it has been so long and i've been so unmotivated to the point where i was just giving up but then i had to remember i have fans who want to see the ending for this and that pushed me forward. So Sorry again but I will make sure to post i swear it 😭🫶)

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