Bloody and Crying Mess||8

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Everyday felt like an eternity, I'd go searching for him everyday after school. Ive looked probably all over town even in the woods to check if there were any cabins in the that were creepy. But no luck. I've gotten closer to Robin and now he was like my little brother. Gwen had started hanging out with me, Robin and Finny which I didn't mind. I liked another girls company, but I never got over the fact Vance was still gone. My heart burned for him, wishing he was here with me enjoying these little moments with friends. It had been 7 days since he was last seen, I started going to the church near by. Before all this I didn't really think of religion or God, I kinda thought science really explained all of it but recently I've been praying that Vance would be safe and found soon along as Griffin, Billy, and Bruce.

Four victims so far of the Grabber. No bodies had been found but black balloons found at all the crime scenes. The police haven't disclosed that information but Gwen had told me privately about it. Gwen had some type of ability to see into the future, or something and I believed her. It's what led to Vance being known as the fourth victim.

     Sitting in class listening to the teacher ramble on, I've only really thought about one thing only and that was whether Vance was ok. It was almost the end of the day so I could go on my bike searching for him.

     An announcement had disrupted me of my thoughts of where to look for him this time. "Y/n Y/l/n please come to the Principals office." Everyone starred at me, I packed up all my stuff and then started heading for the principals office. When I had opened the door I saw two detectives talking to the principal as I stood there. It took a while for them to notice that I was here.

     "Good you're here Y/n, take a seat." Pointing to a chair where two seats were placed in front of it.

     "What's this about?" I asked sitting down placing my bag against the chair. Then the two detectives sat in front of me. "Am I in trouble?"

     "No, you're not. We just want to ask you a few questions." Instead of the principal answering me it was the detective in left seat in front of me. He was a dark skinned man wearing a suit and the other one was a white man in the same thing as the first detective. It wasn't until I recognized them as the detectives from the crime scene at which I called the police. "I'm Detective Wright and this is Detective Miller."

     "We just want to know how you knew about the black balloons. We haven't disclosed that information out with the public." Detective Miller had said.

"I didn't know that balloons were apart of the investigation." I said lying. I couldn't believe I was lying to the freaking police. "I was just looking for Vance and when I saw the black balloons I just felt something was off."

"Y/n, you're not lying to these men, are you?" The principal had asked and I just shook my head.

"See either there's a leak in the department or" Detective Miller had said before I interrupted him.

"Or what? I'm the Grabber?! You think I could kidnap Billy, Bruce, and Vance?! It'd be a bit more believable if it was just Griffin. Vance had gotten arrested one time for beating up two kids at once just because they fucked with his stupid pinball machine!" I yelled standing up. "So yeah it makes total fucking sense because I'm the grabber you stupid fuckers!"

"Y/n!" The principal had yelled at me as I grabbed my bag and sped out the principals office. I was basically stomping my way out of the school. This was complete bull shit, could they really be that dumb?

I walked a bit further until someone had purposely bumped into me disconnecting me from my thoughts. Looking up to see it was Moose, I could see he was about to make a snarky remark I avoided him walking around him. "Still looking for your missing boyfriend?"

Turning around looking at him, fuck it. I shook my bag off my shoulder and then slammed it in his face. Moose stumbled back and then went to attack me but I ended up kicking him in the stomach. He ended up falling on the ground and from there I got on top of him beating him to the pulp. A crowd had formed and started cheering for me, Moose had ended up slicing my cheek open with a pocket knife. I hadn't noticed it until now.

"Look who's the one bleeding on the fucking ground!" I yelled at him. He tried to mutter something out. "Say it you pussy!"

"At least I don't kidnap little boys." He mumbled out now laughing. Had he been listening to my conversation in the principals office? He had distracted me and punched me in the face. It stung so bad as I stumbled back, I had gotten dizzy until Moose was hovering over me as blood spilled from his mouth. It wasn't until he was punched by Robin had he really gotten down. Finny grabbed my hand pulling me up and Robin had made sure Moose stayed on the ground.

"Hurry up, the police!" Gwen yelled. I hadn't even realized she was here, to be honest everything was a blur. Finny had pulled me as he ran with Gwen and Robin behind us. I started thinking about the time with Vance, crying now with blood spewing out of my nose from the blow of the punch. I was a bloody and crying mess.

We had gotten out of the polices view now as we all sat behind a bush. I'm surprised Moose doesn't just stop messing with us from the amount of times he has been beaten up. throughout the month.

"It only took one blow to Moose's face for him to go down. You did good mi amiga." Robin said, I had just noticed my knuckles were bleeding.

"You know, the movies make it look like punching people don't hurt at all." My fists had felt sore and I couldn't tell if it was my blood or Moose's. They all just laughed but I was serious, how did they make it seem like it was nothing.

"Your cheek, what happened?" Finny said grasping my cheek. I winced, and he let go apologizing.

"He had a pocket knife, I didn't even notice it when he slashed me." I said rolling my self
into a ball. My head ached and I felt like I was falling asleep right in front of them.

"Luckily we got you out of there in time. Although I don't think cops would arrest you, but still." Gwen had said sliding next to me.

"Gwen, the detectives in the office were questioning me about the black balloons. I didn't tell them anything but be careful." I said looking at her. She looked down and just nodded, Robin and Finny looked confused just ignoring us.

     "We have to get you patched up." Finny had said breaking through the silence.

     "It doesn't hurt as bad, although I have to admit. I don't think this cut isn't going anytime soon." I said laying my head on Gwen's shoulder. She wrapped her arm around me as she got all my hair out of my face.

     "We can bandage you up at me and Finny's house. Our dad won't be home until way later." Gwen said looking at Finny to get approval. He ended up nodding agreeing with Gwen and so we set off.

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