What Date?||12

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A day has passed and the Lord still hasn't sent any type of signal. I kept looking and searching but I couldn't see any type of clue, it got to the point where I was about to curse out God. I mean it wouldn't be the best thing to do but I'm pissed. I was in my room just laying around again. Can't fall asleep because of nightmares, I've already read all my books, homework's done, and I don't have work today. So what's to do?

Well, I've never met Vance's dad, but he always says his dads a creep. I bet his father isn't taking his disappearance any better then I am, so maybe...I should pay him a visit? Was it a stupid idea probably, but it was a way of getting closure I wasn't alone feeling upset about it. I quickly got up wearing the same outfit I wore to school today. It was Friday meaning the weekend, so I didn't have to go to school for two whole days. I had on a pair of flared jeans and a t shirt. Spring in Denver ranged from cold to hot to warm to cold again. It was weird but today was one of those days where it was warm.

Putting on my converse and leaving the house making sure to leave a note on where I am. I rode my bike to Vance's house and I glanced at where I found the black balloons. Taking a deep breath in and parking my bike, I ended up walking all the way to the door and knocking. It took a while for someone to answer, a man with brown hair with blue eyes answered. He wore a company outfit and looked actually...not bad?

"What can I do for ya?" The man said. I gulped now nervous because I came here exactly not knowing what to say.

"Hi Mr. Hopper, I'm one of Vance's friends." Is all that came out of my mouth. I should of really thought of what to say earlier.

"Really? I've never seen Vance with people much." Mr Hopper continued. He sighed and then proceeded to say, "Would you like to come in?". I probably shouldn't be going into a strangers house but honestly if the Lord is really looking out for me he'll save my ass and if not I'm blaming God himself.

"Sure." I smiled then walked inside as he closed the door behind him. The house seemed completely normal. Tv and a couch with a kitchen, not what I expected. Vance Hopper lived in a normal house and not in the deep abyss?

"I'm sorry if it's a bit dirty." He said sitting on the lounge chair as I sat on the couch. It was a normal family room, besides for the beer bottles on the table but I was used to that by now.

"No, it's all ok." I said, looking around I saw pictures of Mr. Hopper and I'm guessing Vance's mom together. So he got his blonde hair from his mom, but he definitely got his eyes from his dad. In fact Vance looked so much like his dad besides the fact of the hair color difference.

It was a moment of awkward silence until he spoke up. "No one ever came to visit me about my sons disappearance. Sometimes I think everyone's happy that the little troublemaker is gone." Taking a sip of his bear leaning forward resting his elbows on his knees.

"I certainly don't feel that way. I think half the reason he's gone is my fault. So I get emotional sometimes." I say resting back on the couch trying to not get upset. I didn't wanna cry in front of the poor man, he's already dealing with so much.

"I don't think it's your fault no matter what. You seem like a good friend...?" That was his settled way of asking for my name.

"Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n." I said smiling. He then smiled then nodded. He's met my father before and always noticed Vance hanging out in the Grab n go.

"Vance doesn't really tell me anything about him. In fact he doesn't really talk to me at all." He sighed looking down. "I lost my wife, and now my son."

"He's not dead, there's no evidence that he's dead and surely he's staying strong. It's Vance Hopper, your son. He's going to be ok." I tried to smile but I couldn't because I didn't even know. I was trying to be strong for this man I barely knew.

"Thank you..." We ended up talking a while before I had to leave. It was about to get dark so I had to head out. I said my goodbyes and parted ways with Mr Hopper. Vance made me believe that his father was a total creep, I wonder why. I guess I'll have to ask him one day. If that one day ever happens.

I had gotten home, parking my bike and went inside. My dad was still at the Grab n Go so I decided I'd watch some TV. I groaned hearing the phone ring just as I sat down, I went to go pick it up to hear Gwen.

"So, how was the date with Finny?" Gwen asked all giggly. Date with Finny?

"What do you mean?" I asked. What was she talking about?

"Don't play dumb Y/n! I know Finny asked you out already!" Gwen said playfully on the line. Sorry God but what the fuck is going on?

"Gwen, I didn't see Finny at all today. Only during school but nothing after that." I clarified but then I heard the line go silent. "Gwen?"

     "But Finny had said that he was going to confess how he felt today. So I thought the reason why he wasn't home after school was because of that?" Gwen had said. I started getting a gut feeling that this wasn't going to be good.

     "I don't feel so good about this." I said now on the verge of freaking out like crazy. I felt my organs turning inside out.

"I had a dream." Gwen stuttered out. I knew about her dreams and they were no joke. "That Finny went missing, but I never thought anything of it because....well....-my dad made me believe they weren't real." How could her dad convince her they weren't real?

"Gwen I haven't seen him at all and if he's not home by now then that means..." Oh my god. Not fucking again, I could feel a sharp pain in my stomach. "Call the police." I choked out.

"How can we be certain that-" She tried saying before I interrupted her.

"Gwen, your dreams are never wrong! They weren't wrong about Bruce or Vance so they won't be wrong about Finny! So please call the fucking police" I yelled into the phone and with that Gwen said she would call me back after.

This wasn't happening again. I can't deal with this. What the actual fuck God! No this is complete bullshit, I pray and pray for the best to come and this is how you repay me?!? Taking my fucking best friend away as well! The tears just started falling out of my eyes. This couldn't be happening, I ran out to my bike. It had gotten a bit dark out but I didn't care. I rode my bike all through out any possible way Finny could've came here. Falling off my bike landing roughly on the ground was when I just shut down. I cried in the middle of the road skinned up badly from the crash. For the first time I wished a car came and just hit me. Was there a possibility that they could be alive. I mean six fucking boys. Where could you keep them without getting caught.

It just clicked in my head. Where could you keep six boys without anyone knowing or being suspicious. It had to be a normal fucking house and a vehicle that could carry them all the way there with no suspicion. Well it'd only make sense, there were no cabins in the woods registered or abandoned buildings to park a vehicle and keep kids quiet. It was a house with a garage obviously. This piece of shit aka the Grabber would appear as any normal person. Which made my trust issues a hell of a lot worse.

      Now that I know what I'm looking for. My mission was set for a clear path. I wiped my tears and ignoring the pains from the cuts, I rode my bike all the way home. This wasn't a time to give up and resort to crying. No I should stay strong for them, if they can do the same for their selves then I can too. I would stay strong for those who couldn't. Hopefully Griffin, Billy, Bruce, Vance, Robin and now Finny will be found, even if I have to do it myself.

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