The End?

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So...I know I've been gone for like a while...but to be honest I lost interest in it. There were so many things I wanted to write about and it was just so much. I'm working on a novel that I want to publish soon with my dads help! But recently I showed my friend my story and I told her the news I left it kinda unfinished and she was like "God I hate you for that as a reader."
....SO I FINISHED IT. And this is not the end. Remember Y/n brought up hanging out with the whole group? Yeah well that's coming because I feel bad for leaving it unfinished for so long so...I'm having bonus chapters 👍

But I know some of y'all hate me for this but I cannot blame you. Just know I love each and every one of my readers so much! And if you guys like my writing style tell me some stuff you'd like me to write about? Like Avengers, Hunger Games, etc really or if you have an idea for a novel shit. Id say you write it but if you want me too I will and give you credits.🤞

This was a lovely journey with y'all with big gaps but it won't be the end my lovely hellraisers‼️

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