My Angel||17

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      "Vance." Someone said as I regained consciousness from sleeping. I didn't get much sleep but I was exhausted after breaking that wall. We weren't getting the proper nutrition we needed making it hard for all of us to even cope.

"What do you fucking want?" I groaned now fully awake to see Finny sitting in front of me.

"Do you think...Y/n is ok..?" He asked. I tried to come up with something smart but I didn't know.

It took me a while to figure out what I was going to say but before that the door suddenly opened. The Grabber walked in with a belt in hand. Fuck.

"Hello my precious boys!" He said with a sinister laugh. At this point we were all up and ready. The belt meant someone was going to get beat. Depending on how we were he'd pull one of us out and if we didn't comply he would threaten to kill everyone so all we could do is just go with him. He'd beat us with the belt to the point where we couldn't even talk about it. Some would even cry...

No one dared to say anything, after what we pulled yesterday it was even a risk to Y/n. Billy said he could just be lying but I would know that tacky necklace from anywhere.

"Well since no one's going to speak, I hope you're ready for your punishment." I clenched my jaw as he said that. I could just tell the mother fucker was smiling under that stupid mask.

Instead of taking one of us, he just went back up the stairs. Finny looked at me confused like he was looking for an answer and I didn't have one. Next moment he was coming down and pushed the door wide open with his foot. There he was holding a cut and bruised Y/n in his arms. She wasn't awake and her clothes were ripped with deep cuts on her arms and bruises with dried up blood and dirt on her.

"You guys did something wrong and this...innocent girl had to pay the cost." He said setting her down lightly on the ground. Finny turned to run to the bathroom to puke as we all stood there in horror. For the first time I was to scared to move. She looked so badly beat up.

     "You son of a bitch." Robin said stepping forward making the first move towards him. Robins action finally made me regain a sense of anger and rage.

"Get the fuck out of here!" I yelled stepping towards him angrily. I clenched my fists getting ready to swing but he quickly left yet again leaving Y/n on the ground. What a pussy.

I bent down quickly besides Y/n. She had deep lacerations on her arms and everything. That mother fucker. I swear I'm going to kill him! I inspected her seeing how horrible the damage was and I noticed something. This whole time she hasn't moved.

"Y/n?!?" I shook her a bit. No response, just her lying there. I went to go check her pulse but it was hard finding one. I couldn't tell if I was doing it wrong. "Someone come over here, I can't find her fucking pulse!" I yelled and now everyone huddled up around her as Finny made his way back.

Bruce went to go feel for a pulse and he just looked mortified. "Her pulse is barely there. It's probably from her condition." Fuck, I'm so sorry Y/n. Please be ok.

"Let's put her on the mattress, it'll be comfortable for her when she wakes up. Besides I think we'll need to perform CPR if her pulse doesn't get better." Griffin said. He actually spoke up which he never usually did. I scooped her up into my arms as gentle as I could. Taking her quickly to the mattress as they all followed behind me.

Laying her on the mattress making sure to be as careful as I could. I've never been that gentle with someone since I was a kid. And that was only with a teddy bear. Looking at her like this broke my heart and it probably made everyone hurt a little even if Billy or Griffin didn't know her. A piece of her hair covered her face, so I pushed the piece behind her ear so that I could see her. It was good to see her but in this condition made my heart ache so much worse.

Bruce checked her pulse again. "Shes starting to lose her pulse!" He said freaking out. "Does anyone know CPR?!?" He yelled frantically. Everyone looked at each other. No one had said anything, I wish I knew how to but I just didn't.

"I can." I looked over to see Finny as he made his way next to her. He started doing chest compressions which after doing thirty, I was counting paying attention really close. He tilted her head back and gave her two breaths, then continued the same pattern all over again. I didn't care that his mouth was on hers. I just wanted her to wake up.

I closed my eyes praying and cussing out God at this point hoping for her to wake up. I held her hand the whole way through this. One tear sprung from my eye, this girl has done so much for me. She taught me how to actually enjoy people's company, and that there's more to life then running to Pinball just to escape reality. I could escape reality with just talking to her. The sound of her voice, the way she looks perfect in every angle. She was my angel and I wasn't ready to lose her.

"Please, please, please..." I whispered now one by one tears fell from my eyes. I think they were looking at me but I needed her to wake up so badly.

Finny was on his last set and he stopped to check her pulse. He stood there and looked at all of us. For a moment I lost hope until I felt a sudden squeeze of my hand. I opened my eyes to see Y/n awake hazy. Everyone started smiling and cheering.

Her eyes widened and looked at me. She got up slowly as she looked like she was in pain from even doing that. Then looking at me she smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back then looking at Finny.

"Thank you Finn." I said as I hugged her back as lightly as I could. God made the right decision, but fuck was I scared. I could've lost my Angel.

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